Kastamonu Gezilecek Yerler

🌎 Gezeceğin Yeri Seç 📅 Planını Yap 🤩 Keyfine Bak! 👇🏼 👇🏼 👇🏼 Gezi Planlarımızı🏖 Listerimizi İncele👀 Kendi Rotanı Oluştur📌
at a glance

The Abana district, covered with chestnut, pine and oak forests, is 98 km from the center of Kastamonu, and Gideros Bay is 2 and a half hours away. In the district where maritime tourism is developed, there are beaches that can be entered into the sea, such as the Municipal People's Beach, the Holiday Village Beach, the Hajj Valley Village Beach.

Travel Plans


Where to eat

Activities to Do