
Parks, undoubtedly one of the greatest treasures of our natural environment, are enchanting paradises that embrace different beauties. These calm landscapes exhibit the harmonious coexistence of various elements, such as lush greenery, fascinating bodies of water, and vibrant flower displays.


This is Adrenaline Park.
This is Adrenaline Park.

Adrenaline parks are areas of entertainment and recreation that offer visitors a variety of exciting and adventurous activities. These parks ...

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Ankara Botanical Park
Ankara Botanical Park

Botanical parks are green areas where plant science (botanical) studies are carried out, plants are exhibited and protected, usually open ...

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Ankara Aquarium
Ankara Aquarium

An aquarium is a glass or plastic tank in which aquatic plants and animals are exhibited and observed. Aquariums can ...

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Ankara amusement park
Ankara amusement park

Ankara Lunapark is a term that refers to a large amusement park or area where different amusement vehicles and games ...

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The zoo of the city.
The zoo of the city.

Zoos are facilities where different species of animals are exhibited, preserved, and usually serve visitors for educational and entertainment purposes. ...

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Ankara Parks and Gardens
Ankara Parks and Gardens

Parks and gardens are large areas designed for outdoor recreation, relaxation, entertainment and contact with nature. Parks are used for ...

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The orange blossom park

Orange Blossom Park is also prominent in Ankara, the capital of Turkey, with its rich ...

Aqua Vega Aquarium is located in ANKARA

The most exciting creatures of the underwater world are in Aqua Vega, which is a ...

The world of the passing sea

What do you think about exploring the mysterious world of sea creatures? Home to more ...

This is Nata Vega Aquarium

Aqua Vega is the second largest tunnel aquarium in Europe and the largest in Turkey, ...

The Sorgun Lake Natural Park

Sorgun Lake Nature Park, located within the boundaries of the municipality of Sorgun in Ankara ...

This is Aluçdağ National Park

This is Aluçdağ National Park.

This is Chamkoru Nature Park

Çamkoru Nature Park represents an important natural area located in Çamlıdere district of Ankara and ...

It 's a national park

It 's a national park .

The falcon nature park

The falcon nature park

This is the Stubuk Karagöl Nature Park

The Stubuk Karagöl Nature Park is famous for its natural beauty, formed by the merger ...

The Lake Mogan Park

Mogan Lake Park is a recreation area located in the Gölbaşı district of Ankara, covering ...

The Swan Park

The name of the park comes from the swans donated by the City of Vienna. ...