Diving in the Glory
Diving in the Glory
Have you ever experienced diving in an underwater city? Halfeti's underwater streets, mosques, churches, schools, and the new inhabitants of these ancient human habitats are poised to become one of the world's premier destinations for underwater diving. Despite the years that have passed in the district where the Birecik Dam was flooded in 2000, it is still unclear exactly where the river begins and where the city ends.
To explore the depths of Halfeti, you can participate in diving activities through the diving schools located in Halfeti throughout the 4 seasons of the year.
Some of the species you can see underwater:
The spiny snakefish (Mastacembelus Mastacembelus)
Water Wedding Flower (Ranunculus sp. I know.
The Sweetwater Snail (Lymnaea sp. I know.
Kangal fish (Garra rufa)
Elodea sp.
Sweetwater shrimp (Dreissena Siouffi)
Sweetwater Pearlhead (Alburnus Mossulensis)
Dancing with the Thorned Serpentfish:
One of the most playful creatures underwater is the spiny snakefish. But you can spend time alone in Halfeti underwater with the spiny snakefish. If you get along well, he can dance for minutes in the light of your flashlight.