Downtown Kocaeli

In addition to being an industrial city, Kocaeli has a long history and many places to see in the city center.

Downtown Kocaeli

In addition to being an industrial city, Kocaeli has a long history and many places to see in the city center.

This is Seka Park
This is Seka Park

Seka Park, located in the center of Izmit, next to Izmit Bay, forms one of the largest parks in the ...

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The Kocaeli Science Center
The Kocaeli Science Center

Kocaeli Science Center is a major science center supported by TÜBİTAK (Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Institute) located in Kocaeli, ...

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Kasr-ı Hümayun Palace Museum
Kasr-ı Hümayun Palace Museum

Kasr-ı Hümayun Palace Museum, Kasr-ı Hümayun, literally means "the palace belonging to the sultan". First, IV. This palace, built on ...

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This is Park Lunasan
This is Park Lunasan

Park Lunasan, located within the Kocaeli Fair, was opened in 1974. The park, which has been in operation ever since, ...

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In addition to being an industrial city, Kocaeli has a long history and many places to see in the city center.