Faculty of Language and History and Geography / Ankara University

Where is Ankara University Faculty of Language and History Geography, Directions to Faculty of Language and History Geography, Who Founded Faculty of Language and History Geography? Why was the Faculty of Language and History Geography Established? History of Faculty of Language and History Geography, Faculty of Language and History Geography ...

Faculty of Language and History and Geography / Ankara University

Ankara University Faculty of Language and History-Geography was founded in 1935 under the directives of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of the Republic of Turkey. Its aim is to study Turkish culture with scientific methods, to train national language and history teachers and to conduct research. The current building of the faculty was designed by the famous German architect Bruno J.F. Taut in 1937-1938 and opened for teaching in November 1940. Where is Ankara University Faculty of Language and History Geography, Directions to Faculty of Language and History Geography, Who Founded Faculty of Language and History Geography? Why was the Faculty of Language and History Geography Established? History of Faculty of Language and History Geography, Faculty of Language and History Geography Departments, What is there to do around Faculty of Language and History Geography? Information you wonder about Faculty of Language and History Geography / Ankara University is on Nomatto!

The building of the Faculty of Language and History and Geography of Ankara University was designed by the famous German architect Bruno J. The F. It was designed by Taut.
It was built in 1937 and 1938, and training began in 1940.
The faculty, which has made a name for itself in Turkey and the world with its academic achievements, has crossed paths with Halil İmancık, İlber Ortaylı, Muazzez İlmiye Çığ, Adalet Ağaoğlu and many more valuable names.

Hacettepe, 06100, Hacettepe, Sıhhıye Kavşağı, 06430 Altındağ/Ankara, Türkiye


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