Gokmeydan Mosque

Where is Gokmeydan Mosque? Directions to Gokmeydan Mosque, History of Gokmeydan Mosque, Architectural Features of Gokmeydan Mosque, Parts of Gokmeydan Mosque, What is there to do around Gokmeydan Mosque? Information you wonder about Gokmeydan Mosque is on Nomatto!

Gokmeydan Mosque

Gokmeydan Mosque is a treasure that reflects the history of the city with its impressive architecture bearing the traces of the Ottoman period; it fascinates visitors with its walls crafted with cut stones and its magnificent minaret. Where is Gokmeydan Mosque? Directions to Gokmeydan Mosque, History of Gokmeydan Mosque, Architectural Features of Gokmeydan Mosque, Parts of Gokmeydan Mosque, What is there to do around Gokmeydan Mosque? Information you wonder about Gokmeydan Mosque is on Nomatto!
Taş, Gökmeydanı Cami, 13000 Bitlis Merkez/Bitlis, Türkiye


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