Historical places of interest

Ilgaz is a county with a very ancient history. Although the exact date of settlement is not clearly known, the remains from the Hellenistic and Roman periods clearly show that it was used as a settlement at that time.

Historical places of interest

Ilgaz is a county with a very ancient history. Although the exact date of settlement is not clearly known, the remains from the Hellenistic and Roman periods clearly show that it was used as a settlement at that time.

Ilgaz is a county with a very ancient history. Although the exact date of settlement is not clearly known, the remains from the Hellenistic and Roman periods clearly show that it was used as a settlement at that time. After 1071, it came under the rule of the Turkish boyars, and from the time of the Ottoman Empire to the present day, settled life has continued in the district. For this reason, Ilgaz is home to many historical works.