It's all right. Elijah (A. The S. His tomb.

It's all right. Job (a.s.) was a man of integrity. The s. The tomb is located about 500 meters southwest of the village. Elijah (b. The s. It is known as the shrine of Jesus Christ and has been for centuries. It is visited as the seat of the Elysee. ...

It's all right. Elijah (A. The S. His tomb.

It's all right. Job (a.s.) was a man of integrity. The s. The tomb is located about 500 meters southwest of the village. Elijah (b. The s. It is known as the shrine of Jesus Christ and has been for centuries. It is visited as the seat of the Elysee.

It's all right. Elijah (b. The s. It 's Hz . He is a contemporary of Job. According to tradition, by migrating from Damascus, Job (a.s.) was a man of integrity. The one who came to see him. When Elisha arrived at the village of Job, the devil appeared to him in the guise of an old man and said to him, "O old man, do not find Job tired in vain, for he has migrated far away from here, and it is impossible for you to find him in his old age". He's going to deceive Elijah. It's all right. And Elisha was old, and could not walk; and he took refuge in Jehovah, and besought him that he might save his soul. His prayer will be answered. It's all right. Job (a.s.) was a man of integrity. The s. The tomb is located about 500 meters southwest of the village. Elijah (b. The s. It is known as the shrine of Jesus Christ and has been for centuries. It is visited as the seat of the Elysee.

Eyyüpnebi, 63700 Eyüpnebi/Viranşehir/Şanlıurfa, Türkiye


Google Yorumlarda 145 yorumun ortalaması 4.7
Memet Sevinç
20 Kas 2022
(bir ay önce)
Çok yakın zaman içerisinde ölmelerine rağmen mucizelerine şahit olunmuş, 224.000 Peygamberden ikisinin bulunduğu hayırlı belde, ziyaret edilebilecek en hayırlı yerlerden.
Hikmet akça
28 Tem 2022
(5 ay önce)
İlk olarak Elyesa Aleyhisselam'ın kabrini ziyaret edip ondan sonra Eyüp Aleyhisselam'ın yanına ziyarete gitmek gerekiyormuş. Almaya gelen için mükemmel bir manevi atmosfer var.
Muhammed KOÇ
02 Eyl 2019
(3 yıl önce)
Rabbime şükür hz. eyüp peygamberin kabrini görmek nasip oldu. Hz isa doneminde urfaya mendilini gönderir ben bu bölgeyi kutsadım der, yıllarca muhafaza edilir sonrasında istanbula getirilir mendil, şimdi mendil istanbulda kutsal emanetlerde olabilir.
Ahmet Yusufoğlu
19 May 2018
(4 yıl önce)
Hz .Eyüp a.s ı ziyaret etmek isteyen Elyasa peygambere rivayete göre şeytan musallat olur. Ve sorar nereye gidiyorsun " Eyüp peygamberi ziyarete geldim." diye cevap verince şeytan O'na ulaşmak için geldiğin yol kadar gitmen gerek deyince ellerini açar ve dua eder Ya Rabbi benim gücüm yetmedi hasta ve yaşlı birisiyim der ve orada ruhunu teslim eder .Halbuki 2ü0 metre mesafededir Eyüp a.s...
Metin Ustun
04 May 2019
(3 yıl önce)
Görülmesi gereken tarihi yerlerden..Çevre si bakım istesede..!!
It's all right. Elijah (A. The S. His tomb

It's all right. Elijah (A. The S. His tomb

It's all right. Job (a.s.) was a man of integrity. The s. The tomb is located about 500 ...
The Tomb of the Prophet Job

The Tomb of the Prophet Job

At the end of the 16 km asphalt road, which turns left from the 85 km of the ...