Karabük Gezilecek Yerler

🌎 Gezeceğin Yeri Seç 📅 Planını Yap 🤩 Keyfine Bak! 👇🏼 👇🏼 👇🏼 Gezi Planlarımızı🏖 Listerimizi İncele👀 Kendi Rotanı Oluştur📌
: 249.287
: 354
at a glance

The district of Safranbolu, where Turkey's first iron and steel factory was founded, takes its name from the geography on which it is located and consists of the words 'kara' and 'bük' in the sense of black bush, has become one of the important tourist points of our country with its historical houses. Karabük Province, located in the Western Black Sea Division of the Black Sea Region, is one of the unique hiking routes with its interesting canyons, rivers and springs.

Spring and summer

Spring and summer


Travel Plans


Where to eat

Activities to Do