Koprulu Mehmet Pasha Mosque

Where is Koprulu Mehmet Pasha Mosque? Directions to Koprulu Mehmet Pasha Mosque, History of Koprulu Mehmet Pasha Mosque, Architectural Features of Koprulu Mehmet Pasha Mosque, Parts of Koprulu Mehmet Pasha Mosque, What is there to do around Koprulu Mehmet Pasha Mosque? Information you wonder about Koprulu Mehmet Pasha Mosque is ...

Koprulu Mehmet Pasha Mosque

Koprulu Mehmet Pasha Mosque, Bozcaada Koprulu Mehmet Pasha Mosque is a fascinating addition to the island's historical fabric. Named after Koprulu Mehmet Pasha, this mosque was built in 1658 as an important part of the reconstruction of Bozcaada after the Venetian occupation. Dazzling with its history and architecture, this building reveals the religious and cultural heritage of the island. Where is Koprulu Mehmet Pasha Mosque? Directions to Koprulu Mehmet Pasha Mosque, History of Koprulu Mehmet Pasha Mosque, Architectural Features of Koprulu Mehmet Pasha Mosque, Parts of Koprulu Mehmet Pasha Mosque, What is there to do around Koprulu Mehmet Pasha Mosque? Information you wonder about Koprulu Mehmet Pasha Mosque is on Nomatto!

The structure, originally built by the Venetians, was renovated by Mehmet Pasha from the Ottoman Sadrazams. The mosque, built with a rectangular plan and a sloping roof, is one of the finest examples of Ottoman architecture.

Alaybey, Çınar Çeşme Sk. No:21, 17680 Bozcaada/Çanakkale, Türkiye


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