Seyitgazi Bor and the Museum of Ethnography (Selçuklu Bath)

In addition to the products we are accustomed to seeing in ethnographic museums, such as old household items and agricultural tools, industrial products produced from the furnace model and boron mine are also open to the public as part of the museum in Seyitgazi.

Seyitgazi Bor and the Museum of Ethnography (Selçuklu Bath)

In addition to the products we are accustomed to seeing in ethnographic museums, such as old household items and agricultural tools, industrial products produced from the furnace model and boron mine are also open to the public as part of the museum in Seyitgazi.

In addition to the products we are accustomed to seeing in ethnographic museums, such as old household items and agricultural tools, industrial products produced from the furnace model and boron mine are also open to the public as part of the museum in Seyitgazi.

İkiçeşme, 26950 Seyitgazi/Eskişehir, Türkiye


Google Yorumlarda 1 yorumun ortalaması 3.0
gökhan Bice
07 Mar 2018
(4 yıl önce)
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