The ancient city of Gordion

The Ancient City of Gordion is an archaeological site and ancient settlement located about 80 kilometers from Ankara, the capital of Turkey, and has hosted important civilizations throughout history. Gordion, this is M. Oh, my God. It is an ancient city estimated in the 9th century and is especially known ...

The ancient city of Gordion

The Ancient City of Gordion is an archaeological site and ancient settlement located about 80 kilometers from Ankara, the capital of Turkey, and has hosted important civilizations throughout history. Gordion, this is M. Oh, my God. It is an ancient city estimated in the 9th century and is especially known as the capital of the Phrygians. It is an ancient city estimated to have been built in the 11th century and is especially known as the capital of the Phrygians.

The Ancient City of Gordion is located in the Polatlı district, 100 km west of Ankara. This is M. Oh, my God. It has been known as the capital of the Kingdom of Phrygia since the 9th century. It has been known as the capital of the Kingdom of Phrygia since the 11th century. The Kingdom of Phrygia was one of the most powerful states in Anatolia and is known for the legend of its famous king Midas. Midas was a king who turned everything he touched into gold. But this ability did not make him happy; on the contrary, it made his life difficult. Midas begged the gods to free him from this curse and finally washed in a river that turned everything he touched into water. Midas' tomb is also located in Gordion.

In Gordion, which is important both as an archaeological and natural heritage, many structures, artifacts and finds belonging to the Phrygian period have been uncovered. In addition, the landscape around Gordion has been preserved to host a variety of plant and animal species.

Being on the UNESCO World Heritage List is a great opportunity to preserve and promote the Ancient City of Gordion. This will surely attract both domestic and foreign tourists and contribute to the cultural heritage of our country.

Yassıhüyük, 06900 Polatlı/Ankara, Türkiye


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The ancient city of Gordion

The ancient city of Gordion

The Ancient City of Gordion is an archaeological site and ancient settlement located about 80 kilometers from Ankara, ...