The beach and the bays.

It is located 71 km (41 mi) from Efeler, the capital of Aydın. It's in the distance. It is 90 km from the province of Izmir, 21 km from the district of Selçuk, and 157 km from the districts of Bodrum and Çeşme.

The beach and the bays.

It is located 71 km (41 mi) from Efeler, the capital of Aydın. It's in the distance. It is 90 km from the province of Izmir, 21 km from the district of Selçuk, and 157 km from the districts of Bodrum and Çeşme.

The Bird Beach
The Bird Beach

Kuştur Beach is located in the Kuştur district of Kuşadası, the sea and the coast are sandy, and there are ...

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The People's Beach of Pigeon Island
The People's Beach of Pigeon Island

Dovecinta Halk Beach, operated by the municipality, is often preferred because it is within walking distance of the center. In ...

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The Snake Cape Beach
The Snake Cape Beach

Aydın Yılancı Burnu Beach is a beautiful beach located in Kuşadası district of Aydın province. With its unique natural beauty ...

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The Women's Beach
The Women's Beach

Ignore the name of the Women's Beach, which is located quite a distance from the city center. It's a beach ...

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The beach of the priest's bath
The beach of the priest's bath

Papaz Hamamı Beach, located on the left side of the entrance to Güvercinada, Papaz Hamamı Beach, shortly known as Papaz ...

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Karasu Bay
Karasu Bay

Karasu Bay is a natural bay located in the Dilek Peninsula Büyük Menderes Delta National Park in Aydın province of ...

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Kavaklıburun Bay
Kavaklıburun Bay

Kavaklıburun Bay is located in the Kuşadası district of Aydın province, Dilek Peninsula, which has the longest beach with a ...

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Aydinlik (Brightness) Bay
Aydinlik (Brightness) Bay

Aydınlık Bay, located 5 km ahead of the entrance gate of Dilek Peninsula National Park, Aydınlık Bay has one of ...

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The drinks are deep
The drinks are deep

Icmeler Bay is a bay located in Aydin Kusadasi and Dilek Peninsula National Park. Where is Icmeler Bay? Icmeler ...

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The beautiful beach
The beautiful beach

Güzelçamlı Beach, the quietest and most peaceful beach in Kuşadası, is dominated by a clean and clear sea. This beach, ...

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The Venus Beach
The Venus Beach

Venus Beach, one of Turkey's holiday paradises, Aydın Kuşadası attracts holidaymakers with its warm sun, blue sea and fun atmosphere. ...

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The Beach of Love
The Beach of Love

Sevgi Beach, located in Davutlar's location in Kuşadası district, is again one of the favorite beaches of vacationers. This beach, ...

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It is located 71 km (41 mi) from Efeler, the capital of Aydın. It's in the distance. It is 90 km from the province of Izmir, 21 km from the district of Selçuk, and 157 km from the districts of Bodrum and Çeşme.

It is bordered to the north by Izmir, to the west by the Aegean Sea, and to the south by Sokke. The district, which takes its name from the Dove Island in front of it, is one of the important and developed centers of Turkey in terms of tourism.

Kusadasi is the focus of important tourist centers such as Ephesus, Meryemana, Miletus, Didim, Pamukkale, Marmaris, Bodrum. The marina exhibits a very lively and colorful life, especially in the summer, with numerous beaches, hotels, motels, campgrounds, holiday villages and entertainment venues.

Although it is not known exactly when and by whom Kusadasi was founded, it is believed to have been founded by the Ionians under the name Neopolis, related to Ephesus.

The city was founded earlier, in the foothills of Pilavtepe, in a place called Andizkulesi. After a while, these coasts, which belonged to the Byzantines, were economically dominated by Venice and Genoa. Due to transportation difficulties, Kuşadası; Andızkulesi was moved to its current location under the name of Yeni İskele (Scala Nuova).

Kusadasi Bay and its immediate surroundings, for which Kusadasi gives its name, are known as centers of art and culture and have hosted many different civilizations since ancient times.

The Lelegs in 3000 BC, the Aiolls in the 11th century BC, 9 BC. In the 9th century B.C.E., the Ionians ruled the region. For centuries, the Ionians have dominated the region. In ancient times, the area between the Great Menderes and the Gediz rivers was called Ionia. Merchants and sailors, the Ionians soon became wealthy and politically powerful through overseas trade. In history, they founded 12 cities called "Ionian Colonies".

In 1413, I. It was annexed to the Ottoman Empire by Mehmed (Celebi). After this date, the city was completely in the hands of the Turks and began to be filled with works made by the Turks. Of these, the walls surrounding today's Kervansaray and Kuşadası were built by Mehmet Pasha.

At that time, there were only three gates into the walled city. One of these gates separates Barbaros Hayreddin Pasha Street from Heroes Street, and the upper part was previously used as the Metropolitan Traffic District Command, but is now used as the Crime Scene Investigation Bureau Command. The other doors don't exist today.

Kuşadası is one of the first tourism centers in Turkey, the history of tourism dates back to the 1960s, the first cruise ship tourism began here. Especially in the summer, the number of domestic and foreign tourists and the local population of about 110 thousand is sometimes based on 2 million. Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport is 65 km away. The Port of Kuşadası is the 3rd largest port in Turkey. It's the port. In addition, the Dilek Peninsula National Park, located within the borders of Kuşadası, is one of the important points, where domestic pigs are found only here in the world. In 2016, a large passenger plane was sunk in Kuşadası Bay and is a major shareholder in diving tourism. With Europe's largest golf course and blue flag beaches, Kuşadası is one of the important tourist centers. The convention hall, built in 2013, is also the largest in Europe. It witnesses large fairs and meetings.