The beaches of Amasra

Amasra, called the pearl of the Black Sea, is one of the important tourist centers of our province of Bartin. One of the most important tourist attractions in Amasra, which attracts the attention of visitors with the historical fabric of the city, its natural beauty and tourist attractions, is ...

The beaches of Amasra

Amasra, called the pearl of the Black Sea, is one of the important tourist centers of our province of Bartin. One of the most important tourist attractions in Amasra, which attracts the attention of visitors with the historical fabric of the city, its natural beauty and tourist attractions, is its palaces.

Amasra Beach (also known as Chakras Beach)
Amasra Beach (also known as Chakras Beach)

It's a mile and a half long. It has all the accommodation options around it, and it can meet your ...

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This is Ahatlar Nature Park
This is Ahatlar Nature Park

Ahatlar Nature Park is located in the Black Sea region of Turkey, within the borders of the Amasra district of ...

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The Big Harbor Beach
The Big Harbor Beach

Great Port Beach is a beach located in the Amasra district of Bartın ⁇ . Great Port Beach Amasra has ...

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Amasra Palj is a plateau and natural park located south of Amasra, at an altitude of 565 meters above sea level. With its lush forests, canyons, waterfalls, and scenery, it is like a paradise of nature. Palji is also important for its historical remains and cultural heritage.

One of the most important features of Palji is its natural beauty and trekking trails. The area's lush forests, picnic areas, waterfalls, and canyons provide an ideal setting for visitors looking for nature hikes and camping.

Amasra Palm also has one of the most beautiful views in the area. Since it is located 565 meters above sea level, it is possible to observe a magnificent view from here. Especially the view from Palji at sunset is one of the unforgettable memories of visitors.

In conclusion, Amasra Palj is a unique place with its history and natural beauty. The area's ancient ruins, natural parks and trekking trails, picnic areas, and spectacular scenery amaze visitors. Visitors to Amasra should definitely see Palji and enjoy this natural beauty.