The Canyon of the Wild

Valla Canyon, located in the Pınarbaşı district of Kastamonu, is the second deepest canyon in the world among the natural beauties of the Western Black Sea. Within the boundaries of the fountain, Valla Canyon awaits all nature enthusiasts with its breathtaking views.

The Canyon of the Wild

Valla Canyon, located in the Pınarbaşı district of Kastamonu, is the second deepest canyon in the world among the natural beauties of the Western Black Sea. Within the boundaries of the fountain, Valla Canyon awaits all nature enthusiasts with its breathtaking views.

Features of the Valla Canyon

  1. The most important feature of Valla Canyon is that it is the second deepest canyon on the planet. This makes it the first deepest canyon in the country.
  2. The canyon is up to 100 meters deep in some parts. Crossing the canyon is difficult, long and risky.
  3. In addition, lives can be lost in dangerous whirlpools. The canyon, where groups of wildlife disappeared in 2010 and 2012 and were later rescued, and where one person died, is too dangerous even for professional teams. Therefore, those who want to cross the canyon are examined to see if they have the necessary training and are given permission to cross accordingly.
  4. There are more than 40 waterfalls in the canyon.
  5. The canyon's cliff is an average of 1,000 meters high. Wild animals are known to live in the canyon. Predatory birds such as hawks and vultures are also found. There is a viewing terrace for those who visit the canyon.
  6. Horma Canyon, which has a three-kilometer hiking trail that is unparalleled anywhere else in Turkey, is also in our district. There are also endemic plant species in the canyon. The 'Little Asian Canyon Curve' plant is found only in Horma in the world. " and so on.

How Long Has the Canyon Been Formed and Elevated?

The canyon, located within the Globe Mountains National Park, was formed by the Devrekani River eroding the Globe Mountains. With a height of 800-1200 meters, this canyon is the second deepest canyon in the world. It's a canyon. It is 12 km long.

How do you get to Valla Canyon?

Valla Canyon, located in the village of Muratbashi, is 25 km away from the district where it is located. After reaching the village of Muratpaşa, you will continue about five kilometers and come to the Valla neighborhood, which gives the canyon its name. You can try public transportation or car rental from the city center to get to the Valla neighborhood. It's not very easy to get to. Especially with public transportation, it can be a waste of time. But you can provide transportation in your own vehicle, even camp around the canyon. After the Valla neighborhood, it is possible to reach the Valla Canyon and the viewing terrace by continuing along the road through the forest.

How open is Valla Canyon?

Valla Canyon is included in the Globe Mountains National Park. The canyon between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. You can visit between 00 and 22 in the evening. You can visit at 00:00. It's open seven days a week.

Permission is required to visit Valla Canyon. However, permission is not required to view the canyon from the viewing terrace. It is possible to watch from the canyon's viewing terrace every day of the week until sunset.

What are the local dishes of Kastamonu?

The dishes typical of Kastamonu include many flavors such as meat bread, banduma, well kebab, fig filling, siez bulgur rice, sour rice, simit tiridi, crack dessert, milking, uryani flour, potato paste, Inebolu simidi.

Is it possible to hike in Valla Canyon?

Valla Canyon is among the deepest and most difficult canyons in the world. It is forbidden to cross this canyon, which is 12 kilometers long, without a professional guide. During their nearly two-day journey, those attempting to cross the canyon must be accompanied by a guide to avoid the natural traps inside and to complete their journey safely. With this information in mind, we strongly recommend that nature sports enthusiasts apply to the appropriate places.

When was Valla Canyon discovered?

In 1994, it was discovered as a result of the disappearance of four students from Istanbul Technical University who came here to visit and fourteen days later left the district of Jide, another district of Kastamonu. This canyon has been called a wild paradise and has attracted many visitors.

Who used to live in Kastamonu?

The site of Kastamonu, known to be an ancient settlement, BC. The 18th century. The year. It became the home of the Gas, over time. The Hittites, the Phrygians, the Cimmerians, the Lydians, the Persians, the Pontusans, the Romans and the Byzantines. It's been taken over.

37770 Muratbaşı/Pınarbaşı/Kastamonu, Türkiye


Google Yorumlarda 1148 yorumun ortalaması 4.6
dilara nalbant
21 Tem 2022
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Manzara çok güzel, yorgunluğa değiyor. Giderken 1,5 km orman yolunda yürümeniz gerekiyor. Gidiş güzel fakat yokuş olduğu için dönüş biraz zor geliyor. Girişinde bir çay bahçesi var. Manzara eşliğinde çay içebilirsiniz.
cagatay ipek
29 Ağu 2022
(4 ay önce)
Kastamonu, pınarbaşı ilçesinde. Ana yoldan sonra 18 km stabilize yol var. Yer yer bozuk yerler var. Yazın çok tozlu oluyor. Yol bitince muratpaşa köyüne geliyorsunuz. Yürüyüş yolu başlangıcında ki mekan bir aile tarafından işletiliyor. Yiyecek içecekler güzel. Gözlemeler lezzetli. Fiyatları uygun. Yürüyüş orman içinde 1150 metre. Herkesin yürüyebileceği zorlukta. Manzara mükemmel.
Gökhan Tükenmez
23 May 2022
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Giriş kişi başı 9 TL. Gidene kadar yollar bozuk tozlu. Kanyona ulaşmak için köy içinden yürüyüş yolu var giderken yokuş aşağıya ama dönüşü baya yorucu oluyor.
N. Açık
20 Eyl 2022
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Yolları çok kötü olmasına rağmen gidince değdi dediğimiz bir yerdi görülmeye kesinlikle değer sadece seyir Terası var sanmıştık ama ormanın içinde yürüme yolundan gidiliyor oraya da. Terastan çok o yürüme yeri çok hoşuma gitti. Zamanı olan yakınlardaysa görmeli. Çıkınca yemek yiyip çay içebileceğiniz Erolun yeri var. Gözleme yemek isterseniz uğrayın aile yeridir
Özgür Can
04 Haz 2022
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Horma Kanyonu'ndan sonra, tepeden seyir terasından kanyon görmek için ideal bir yer, yolu kötü; 2. vitesi geçemezsiniz; bir Horma kanyonu kadar keyif vermiyor ancak vaktiniz varsa kesinlikle görmeye değer, Valla kanyonu yolunun devamında İlgarini mağarasına giden yola giriyorsunuz, buralara kadar gelmişken o trekking tadını da yaşamalısınız. :) Google haritalardaki konumu doğru, epey de tabela koymuşlar bulmakta zorlanmazsiniz.
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