The Fortress of Harran
The Fortress of Harran was built adjacent to the city wall in the southeast of the city. In Islamic sources, a Sabii temple is mentioned on the site of the castle. Caliph of the Empress II. It is estimated that the palace, which Mervan had built at a cost of ...
The Fortress of Harran
The Fortress of Harran was built adjacent to the city wall in the southeast of the city. In Islamic sources, a Sabii temple is mentioned on the site of the castle. Caliph of the Empress II. It is estimated that the palace, which Mervan had built at a cost of 10 million dirhams of gold, formed the core of the castle. The castle, measuring 90 by 130 meters, has three floors. In the four corners of the castle, which has an irregular rectangular plan, there are eleven towers.