The Germiyan Mansion
In a restored mansion typical of Kutahya, it is a one-of-a-kind place for those who want to eat local Kutahya dishes! Especially the famous blue mantis, tiriti, boring soup, lamb stew and leaf wrapping are among the most ordered.
The Germiyan Mansion
In a restored mansion typical of Kutahya, it is a one-of-a-kind place for those who want to eat local Kutahya dishes! Especially the famous blue mantis, tiriti, boring soup, lamb stew and leaf wrapping are among the most ordered. It is also known as a clean, delicious and friendly place. Every day from 11:00 to 23:00. It is known to be open from 00 to 23.00. It's known to be open between 00 and 00:00.
Pirler, Germiyan Cd. No:86, 43030 Kütahya Merkez/Kütahya, Türkiye