The Mountain of Pain

Mount Agri, the largest mountain in Turkey, has a height of 5,137 meters. It has a height of 137 meters. Agri Mountain, where activities such as camping, nature walks, and climbing are held, is snow-capped every season of the year. Summer seasons are preferred for sports activities. The district of ...

The Mountain of Pain

Mount Agri, the largest mountain in Turkey, has a height of 5,137 meters. It has a height of 137 meters. Agri Mountain, where activities such as camping, nature walks, and climbing are held, is snow-capped every season of the year. Summer seasons are preferred for sports activities. The district of Doğubayazıt is the nearest settlement to the mountain. Accommodation and facilities are available here. In addition to the beauty of its landscape and nature, Mount Agri, which is central to their religious beliefs, is referred to in the Torah as "Ararat". It is suggested that the ark that landed in the aftermath of Noah's flood stayed here.

Mount Agri, the largest mountain in Turkey, has a height of 5,137 meters. It has a height of 137 meters.
Agri Mountain, where camping, nature walks, and climbing are held, is snow-covered every season of the year.
Summer seasons are preferred for sporting events.
The district of Doğubayazıt is the nearest settlement to the mountain. Accommodation and facilities are available here.
In addition to the beauty of its landscape and narrative, Mount Agri, which is central to their religious beliefs, is referred to in the Torah as "Ararat".
It is suggested that the ships that landed in the aftermath of Noah's Flood stayed here.


Google Yorumlarda 2898 yorumun ortalaması 4.6
21 Eyl 2022
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N Ceylan
28 Eyl 2022
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Dağa en yakın köylerden birinde ikamet etmekteyim. İnsanlarlar dışardan baktığında bu dağalık yerde nasıl yaşadığımızı merak ediyorlar. Hâlbuki bu kutsal dağ bize güven veriyor. Baharda eteklerinde koyun kuzularımız oynuyor. Güneşi ilk burda binbir türlü çiçekler selamlıyor. Manzarasıyla içimizden biri olmuş. Bir dağ ile aile olmuşuz. Henüz yüksek yerlerine çıkamasam da her yerini ezbere biliyormuşum gibiyim. Devletimiz bu güzel dağ için daha çok etkinlikler festivaller düzenleyebilir. Ararat buna hazır ve layık
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