The natural park of Lake Sünnet

The area of the Sünnet Lake Nature Park, formed as a result of the blockage of the deep valley between Erenler and Korudağ Hills, 22 kilometers east of Göynük County, is 18 hectares. It feeds on the surrounding streams and springs. It reaches a depth of 22 meters. Fishing for ...

The natural park of Lake Sünnet

The area of the Sünnet Lake Nature Park, formed as a result of the blockage of the deep valley between Erenler and Korudağ Hills, 22 kilometers east of Göynük County, is 18 hectares. It feeds on the surrounding streams and springs. It reaches a depth of 22 meters. Fishing for coral and trout in the lake is free. There is a privately operated accommodation facility with a capacity of 45 rooms and 115 beds. This Sunnet Lake Nature Park, surrounded by picnics, hiking and cycling, is among the places to visit in Göynük.

The area of the Sünnet Lake Nature Park, formed as a result of the blockage of the deep valley between Erenler and Korudağ Hills, 22 kilometers east of Göynük County, is 18 hectares. It feeds on the surrounding streams and springs. It reaches a depth of 22 meters. Fishing for coral and trout in the lake is free. There is a privately operated accommodation facility with a capacity of 45 rooms and 115 beds. This Sunnet Lake Nature Park, surrounded by picnics, hiking and cycling, is among the places to visit in Göynük.

Sünnet Köyü Yolu, 14780 Sünnet/Göynük/Bolu, Türkiye


Google Yorumlarda 1179 yorumun ortalaması 4.1
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