The Nature of the Ottoman Empire

The city, which is under the influence of the Chukurova and Nur Mountains, is home to natural beauty as well as fertile land. The places to visit in Osmania, which have both historical and natural beauties, await their visitors. A large number of historical and tourist points to visit ...

The Nature of the Ottoman Empire

The city, which is under the influence of the Chukurova and Nur Mountains, is home to natural beauty as well as fertile land. The places to visit in Osmania, which have both historical and natural beauties, await their visitors. A large number of historical and tourist points to visit during a trip to Osmania are located in the provincial center and districts.

The Harunian Baths
The Harunian Baths

Haruniye Hot Springs, with its thousands of years of history and natural thermal waters, offers a healing refuge to visitors ...

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The Soap Tea Falls
The Soap Tea Falls

The Düziçi district of Osmaniye Province is a river that rises from the foothills of Mount Düldül and flows into ...

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The Smoky Plain
The Smoky Plain

Smoky Plateau is a beautiful plateau located in the Amonos Mountains at an altitude of 1200 m, 10 km from ...

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The plain of Zorkun
The plain of Zorkun

The Zorkun Plateau is an ideal destination for those who want to experience the exquisite natural beauty and cool air ...

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The waterfall of the lizard
The waterfall of the lizard

At the end of the nature park, which is 3.5 kilometers long, there is the Karaçay Waterfall, which is located ...

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It 's a nature park
It 's a nature park

The Nature Park of Çiftmazı is an area of 50,00 hectares within the boundaries of Çiftmazı Mevkii, Osmaniye Province Central ...

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The city, which is under the influence of the Chukurova and Nur Mountains, is home to natural beauty as well as fertile land. The places to visit in Osmania, which have both historical and natural beauties, await their visitors. A large number of historical and tourist points to visit during a trip to Osmania are located in the provincial center and districts.