The Ozbağ Tea Garden and the Necati Skyscraper Park

Located on the Ankara-Kayseri route, Kırşehir ⁇ in is one of the best choices for breakfast in the Özbağ tea garden in the Özbağ district.

The Ozbağ Tea Garden and the Necati Skyscraper Park

Located on the Ankara-Kayseri route, Kırşehir ⁇ in is one of the best choices for breakfast in the Özbağ tea garden in the Özbağ district.

Located on the Ankara-Kayseri route, Kırşehir ⁇ in is one of the best choices for breakfast in the Özbağ tea garden in the Özbağ district. It's a quiet area in the trees where you can relax with your family and have a cup of tea, surrounded by nature and cozy comfort spaces.

Saraylar, 40000 Özbağ/Kırşehir Merkez/Kırşehir, Türkiye


Google Yorumlarda 151 yorumun ortalaması 3.8
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