The statue of Corporal Seyit

On March 18, 1915, a major battle was fought in the Bosphorus against the large fleet that aimed to take Istanbul by crossing the Çanakkale Strait. With our mines already laid in the Strait, our troops and artillery on the coast, a strong defense has been built against enemy ships. ...

The statue of Corporal Seyit

On March 18, 1915, a major battle was fought in the Bosphorus against the large fleet that aimed to take Istanbul by crossing the Çanakkale Strait. With our mines already laid in the Strait, our troops and artillery on the coast, a strong defense has been built against enemy ships. Thus, on March 18, it was proved that the Çanakkale Strait could not be crossed by ships. On March 18th, 1915, when the gun of the Rumeli Mosque Battalion broke down, it was our hero Corporal Seyit who took a 215-pound artillery bullet on his back and made the gun fire again.

On March 18, 1915, a major battle was fought in the Bosphorus against the large fleet that aimed to take Istanbul by crossing the Çanakkale Strait. With our mines already laid in the Strait, our troops and artillery on the coast, a strong defense has been built against enemy ships. Thus, on March 18, it was proved that the Çanakkale Strait could not be crossed by ships. On March 18th, 1915, when the gun of the Rumeli Mosque Battalion broke down, it was our hero Corporal Seyit who took a 215-pound artillery bullet on his back and made the gun fire again.

17900 Kilidülbahir/Eceabat/Çanakkale, Türkiye


Google Yorumlarda 3440 yorumun ortalaması 4.8
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