This is Ayvacık Şahindere Canyon .
This is Ayvacık Şahindere Canyon .
With its copper-like air smelling of pine and fir and its oxygen-rich atmosphere, Shahindere Canyon gives visitors a sense of refreshment. It is located 40 km from the county seat of Ayvacık and is one of the places that reflect the beautiful face of the Goose Mountains. It is recommended to visit the area with a field guide because there are dangerous places in the canyon, which is 26 km long. Among the activities that can be done in the canyon are nature walks and swimming in the ponds formed by the ice-like waters of the stream. The hiking routes are usually located in the upper parts of the valley. The most preferred route of the canyon is the one that goes towards the waterfall. On this route, he walks about 500 meters through icy stream water. Since most of the hike takes place in the creek, it is helpful for visitors to bring sandals or a sturdy slipper. Because in some places, the waters of the creek can reach up to your knees. Your walk ends with a waterfall and a pond formed by ice-like water flowing from the waterfall. If you wish, you can enjoy a brief swim in this clear, icy water. There are also picnic tables located in and around the creek in the Shahindere Canyon. If you want, you can come here prepared and have a picnic with a fireplace in this natural wonder. The entrance fee to the Shahindere Canyon is 4 TL (2021).