This is Istanbul Gate.

The gates are still standing, although the walls surrounding İznik, one of the places to visit around Bursa, have been thoroughly destroyed over time. The best-preserved of these is the Istanbul Gate. On the way from the center of Iznik to the picnic area of Lake Iznik, you can visit ...

This is Istanbul Gate.

The gates are still standing, although the walls surrounding İznik, one of the places to visit around Bursa, have been thoroughly destroyed over time. The best-preserved of these is the Istanbul Gate. On the way from the center of Iznik to the picnic area of Lake Iznik, you can visit the walls on the road. The Istanbul Gate, located in the north of the city, consists of three separate gates. At the outer entrance to the city, there is an oval courtyard between the main gate and the innermost gate. There is no charge to visit the walls and the Istanbul Gate.

The gates are still standing, although the walls surrounding İznik, one of the places to visit around Bursa, have been thoroughly destroyed over time. The best-preserved of these is the Istanbul Gate. On the way from the center of Iznik to the picnic area of Lake Iznik, you can visit the walls on the road. The Istanbul Gate, located in the north of the city, consists of three separate gates. At the outer entrance to the city, there is an oval courtyard between the main gate and the innermost gate. There is no charge to visit the walls and the Istanbul Gate.

Mustafa Kemal Paşa, Orhangazi Cd. No:23, 16860 İznik/Bursa, Türkiye


Google Yorumlarda 400 yorumun ortalaması 4.4
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