This is Pepper Restaurant.
Piber Restaurant, one of the places to eat in Bolu, is a restaurant where you can find whatever you're looking for, with a variety of pan dishes, pies, noodles and grills, and a variety of breakfasts. For these reasons, Bolu is also among the breakfast places. The fact that his ...
This is Pepper Restaurant.
Piber Restaurant, one of the places to eat in Bolu, is a restaurant where you can find whatever you're looking for, with a variety of pan dishes, pies, noodles and grills, and a variety of breakfasts. For these reasons, Bolu is also among the breakfast places. The fact that his open kitchen has a video system that his customers can also watch shows the value he places on his work.
Kılıçarslan, İzzet Baysal Devlet Hst. Blv. Gazi Konutları D:B1 Blok, 14300 Merkez/Bolu, Türkiye