This is Sheikh Shaban's grandson.

The Palace of Sheikh Shaban-i-Veli, built in 1580 by III. It was rebuilt by Shuja' Efendi, Murad's disciple. Those belonging to the Halvetiyya sect in Kastamonu were active before the reign of Sheikh Shaban-i Velî, at the time of Sheikh Seyyid Sunni Master. Halvetianism was active until the closure of ...

This is Sheikh Shaban's grandson.

The Palace of Sheikh Shaban-i-Veli, built in 1580 by III. It was rebuilt by Shuja' Efendi, Murad's disciple. Those belonging to the Halvetiyya sect in Kastamonu were active before the reign of Sheikh Shaban-i Velî, at the time of Sheikh Seyyid Sunni Master. Halvetianism was active until the closure of the sects in 1925, when seventeen different sheikhs followed Shaban-i Velî. He came into the world as a drop of light from the magical land of Erzurum to the Taşköprü County of Kastamonu. He is Sheikh Pir Shaban-i Veli. With his shining star in the land of his birth, he left a unique mark on the pages of history. Although there are records that he was born in 1497 or 1499, he left a legacy to humanity much more than the year of his birth.

The governor of Sheikh Shaban, In 1580, III. By Mr. Shuja, who is Murad's disciple. It was rebuilt. Those belonging to the Halvetiyya sect in Kastamonu were active before the reign of Sheikh Shaban-i Velî, at the time of Sheikh Seyyid Sunni Master. Halvetianism was active until the closure of the sects in 1925, when seventeen different sheikhs followed Shaban-i Velî.

The dervish rooms next to the mosque, the pulpit, the windows and the shrines, H. In 1114 C.E. 1702-1703) was repaired. According to the inscriptions on the gate of the courtyard, the repair of the ashtray was resumed about 45-50 years later, in 1189 (M. 1775) Mehmed Pasha and later in 1845 by order of Sultan Abdülmecid, Kastamonu Kaymakam was repaired by Salih Agha. The bullet. Finally . It's M. In the 1950s. Directorate General of Foundations The minaret of the mosque was renovated during this period.

Despite being orphaned at a young age, he entered the care of a charitable lady and continued his education. His interest in the Qur'an, hadith and exegesis took him to different geographies. His moral virtues, seriousness and hard work during his student years earned him the appreciation of his teachers.

Sheikh Shaban-i Veli's tomb is a work that reflects the spirit of this great man of heart. The mosque, the meeting houses, the shrine, the library, the water of the cane and the tent form a whole. According to the history book of the mosque, III. It was commissioned by Murad's teacher, Master Suja.

The lecture halls and the library were built at the same time as the mosque and complete the spirit of the ashram. These structures, bearing the traces of time, tell stories from the depths of history. In particular, the dergah houses are unique places that bear traces of traditional Turkish architecture and the lifestyle of the Ottoman period.

The shrine stands in the arms of time like a treasure. As Omar ascended with the contributions of Kathuda, the ulama and the people, he was filled with the warm heart of Kastamonu. The lucky gate and harem on the east side add meaning and depth to this historic structure.

The library is a home of knowledge and enlightenment. On the ground floor, it experiences the spiritual texture of worship, while on the upper floor, it offers a space for deep reflection. This library feeds both minds and souls.

Even today, the traces of His Highness Sheikh Shabani Wali are alive in this ashes. His teachings and legacy continue to leave a bright mark on the world of the soul. Each stone, wall and door has the task of carrying this blessed legacy from the past to future generations.

Where is Sheikh Shaban-i Wali's tomb?

Külliye is located on the western side of Kastamonu Castle, in the area called Hisarardı, which is located at the mouth of the Gümüşlüce River.

Places to visit in Kastamonu 1 The daily route of Kastamonu If you want, you can create your own itinerary from our Kastamonu Places to Visit page.

What's in the Sheikh Shaban's coffin?

Sheikh Shaban-i Veli Qulliyyah, in addition to forming the core of Tekken It consists of a mosque, a mausoleum, a library, a pulpit, a tabernacle, a water fountain and two magazines. He must have come.
These structures were built at certain intervals by different people at different times, and the whole of Cullia was completed over a long period of time.

Architectural features of the Sheikh Shaban-i Veli Tower

The mosque: The mosque is built with a rectangular plan harem structure and its dimensions are 10.50 × 19.50 meters. With rubble and cut stone walls The surrounding mosque has a wooden roof and a tiled roof. The entrance is on the east front. And in front of the north wall are wooden hallway cells. At the same time, in the east and west directions, taking advantage of the thickness of the paper body walls, which are 1.60 meters wide. additional halvet cells has been created. The minaret of the mosque. northeast It's placed in the corner. The plaster altar is decorated with geometric motifs, while the wooden pulpit and pulpit are decorated with showy details. The scrolls on the sides of the pulpit date from 1051 (1641). This is Hasan Çelebi. indicates that it was commissioned by a person named

To the tomb: The tomb is in the courtyard of the Shaban Valley Cemetery. On the east side of the mosque. It's found. It has a square plan with dimensions of 9,50 × 9,50 meters and is covered with a dome. Cutting stone facade This elegant structure is remarkable for its meticulous workmanship. There is a door on the east and west facades, a window on the west wall, and two windows on the south wall. There are a total of sixteen coffins inside the tomb.

The library, It's inside the bullet complex. The library of Shaban-i Velî It's called. This is the library. Adjacent to the south wall. In a way, next to the tomb of Sheikh Shaban al-Wali, in 1020 ( 1611 ) has been built. Later, it was expanded to the east, including the place that is used for worship today. The original structure is a square-plan building located in the western wall and has a window on each of the western and eastern facades. It is also seen to be covered with mirrored tonsure.
In the year 1810 1 The 32 volumes of the book the library, and in 1922 twenty-nine manuscripts and in total 239 books is indicated.

and the tabernacle, and the tent, and the porch: There are also structures such as a pulpit and a tabernacle between the two separate magazine houses and the houses. In addition to the printing press and the tabernacle, there are two magazines inside the ashram. The tent has a circular structure and its boat is made of stone. The pyramidal roof, which sits on an octagonal pediment, is covered with tiles. It is understood from the book commissioned by Fatma Khanim in 1900. In the area of Tekken, there are many tombstones belonging to important people. Besides, Traditional . Examples of cashier's houses The houses and the mill have also recently been restored and opened to visitors as a museum.

Soda water: of Sheikh Shaban-i Veli By hitting his stick on the ground It's called the Water of Asa because it's believed to have come out.

How do you get to the Sheikh Shaban Valley?

The cashier . In the city center. It's very easy to get to the Sheikh Shaban-i-Veli Mosque. With public transportation or your own vehicle You can provide transportation.

Hisarardı, Şeyh Şaban-ı Veli Cd. No:148, 37100 Kastamonu Merkez/Kastamonu, Türkiye


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