This is Vadi Yalova Restaurant.

Vadi Yalova Restaurant aims to offer its guests an enjoyable experience with its delicious food and friendly atmosphere. The menu includes various Turkish and international dishes. In addition to various main dish options such as meat, fish, chicken, salads, entrees, soups, and desserts are also available. Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages ...

This is Vadi Yalova Restaurant.

Vadi Yalova Restaurant aims to offer its guests an enjoyable experience with its delicious food and friendly atmosphere. The menu includes various Turkish and international dishes. In addition to various main dish options such as meat, fish, chicken, salads, entrees, soups, and desserts are also available. Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages are also available. Vadi Yalova Restaurant, where is Vadi Yalova restaurant, how to get to Vadi Yalova Restaurant? Detailed information about the opening hours of Vadi Yalova Restaurant, the Vadi Yalova Restaurant menu, the restaurant's score and reviews are given below.

Vadi Yalova Restaurant aims to offer its guests an enjoyable experience with its delicious food and friendly atmosphere. The menu includes various Turkish and international dishes. In addition to various main dish options such as meat, fish, chicken, salads, entrees, soups, and desserts are also available. Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages are also available.

Vadi Yalova Restaurant is usually preferred by families, couples and groups of friends. It is known for the quality of its food and the standards of its service. It also attracts attention with its smiling and professional staff. The location and interior design of the restaurant provide a nice atmosphere for the guests. There may also be garden or terrace areas so that guests can eat their meals outdoors and enjoy the surroundings. Vadi Yalova Restaurant, I suggest you make a reservation, it can be busy especially on weekends or holidays. You can make a reservation by phone by searching the restaurant's contact information.

Where's the Yalova Valley Restaurant?

Vadi Yalova Restaurant is a popular restaurant located in the city of Yalova. Yalova is located in the Marmara Region in northwestern Turkey and is known for its natural beauty, thermal waters and historical riches. Vadi Yalova Restaurant is located in the middle of these beauties.

The Route of Natural Beauty Historical route of the trip and ... Route to the beach You can check out our itinerary if you want. Places to visit in Yalova You can create your own itinerary from our page.

How do you get to the Yalova Valley Restaurant?

I can give you a general guide on how to get to Yalova Valley Restaurant, but the best source for complete and up-to-date directions is to use up-to-date maps and navigation apps of the Yalova area. Here are the general guidelines:

  • By land: If you want to come to Yalova from Istanbul, you can use the TEM highway or the D-100 highway. If you're coming from the TEM highway, take the D-575 highway out of Yalova Creek. This road will take you to Yalova. If you are using the D-100 highway, follow the Yalova signs towards the city. Once in the city center, follow the signs that lead to the various districts of Yalova. If you know the exact address of the restaurant or nearby points, you can find it more easily by using a navigation device or a mobile app.
  • The public transport: You can use the ferries of Istanbul Sea Buses (IDO) to reach Yalova from Istanbul. In Istanbul, you can choose the ferries that leave from Bostancı, Kadıköy or Yenikapı. After arriving in Yalova, you can reach the city center or Vadi Yalova Restaurant by bus or taxi. To use the local bus lines, you can head to Yalova Bus Station or IDO Pier.

The opening hours of Vadi Yalova Restaurant are:

  • Monday . It 's 8:00 to 1:00 .
  • Tuesday . It 's 8:00 to 1:00 .
  • Wednesday . It 's 8:00 to 1:00 .
  • It's Thursday From 08:00 to 01:00
  • Friday: From 08:00 to 01:00
  • It's Saturday. From 08:00 to 02:00
  • The market: From 08:00 to 01:00

Vadi Yalova Restaurant is open every day of the week from 08:00 am to 01:00 pm. It's open until a little later on Fridays and Saturdays, until 2:00 a.m. At this time you can visit the restaurant and experience its delicious food.

The menu of the Vadi Yalova Restaurant

Vadi Yalova Restaurant is a place that has gained a reputation for its delicious breakfast options, various types of kebabs, and ide fish. The breakfast menu offers rich and satisfying options. The breakfast menu, which offers guests an energetic start to the day, includes classic breakfasts such as fresh breads, various cheeses, olives, jams, butter, tomatoes, and cucumbers. In addition, hot breakfast options such as omelets, menemen, sukuk, bacon are also offered. For those who want to enjoy breakfast, there is also tea, coffee, and freshly squeezed juices.

For lunch or dinner, Vadi Yalova Restaurant's kebab varieties are famous. The menu includes various kebabs made from beef, lamb or chicken. Classic Turkish kebabs such as grilled meatballs, Adana kebabs, and shish kebabs are carefully prepared and served with rice, lavash bread, and salad. In addition, vegetarian and vegetarian kebab options are also available, so there is an option to suit everyone's taste.

The menu of Vadi Yalova Restaurant also highlights the ide fish. Codfish is a regionally preferred delicacy. The cod is carefully prepared and served grilled or steamed. It is served with fresh greens, lemon slices, and sauces of your choice. Vadi Yalova Restaurant offers all these delicious options with a smiling and professional service. The menu, carefully prepared to give guests a pleasant dining experience, combines local and national flavors.

What are the restaurant's ratings and reviews?

Vadi Yalova Restaurant has been rated by thousands of users in total on platforms such as Google and Foursquare. It receives an average of 3.5 points on Google with 1,515 comments, and an average of 7 points on Foursquare with 104 comments. While receiving 5 points, it received an average of 7.6 points with 104 comments on Foursquare. He got six points.
According to the reviews, the view, service and food of the restaurant are generally evaluated positively. It is often emphasized that the restaurant has a view of the magnificent natural beauty. It is also noted that quality service and hospitable staff offer visitors a pleasant experience.
Comments stand out that the food is delicious and fresh, especially that meat dishes celebrate the taste buds. At the same time, offering variety with rich salad, soup and dessert options is also shown as a welcome feature.
Of course, interpretations may vary according to personal preference and experience. However, it can be said that Vadi Yalova Restaurant receives generally positive reviews and satisfies customers with its delicious food, beautiful scenery and quality service.

Üvezpınar Mah. 15 Temmuz Cad. No:54, Üvezpınar, 77100 Termal/Yalova, Türkiye


Google Yorumlarda 1489 yorumun ortalaması 3.9
Mehmet Kucuk
31 Tem 2022
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Buraya ikinci gelişim , manzara güzel çalışan arkadaşlar ilgili , herhangi aksaklık görmedim , siz ne isterseniz onu getiriyorlar işim geregi yer şehirde her yerde kahvaltı yapma olanagım oluyor , yogunluk oluyor yaz sezonu normaldir . Yine de mutlaka görülmesi gereken yer.
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Yahu yorumlara baktım herkes 5 yıldızı çakmış geçmiş. Ulan arkadaş daha önce hiç mi bi yerde kahvaltı yapmadınız anlamıyorum. 4 kişilik kahvaltı söyledik, 4 dilim kaşar peynir, 4 tane cherry domates geldi. Şaka mı bu? Kaşar peynir diye gelen peyniri masadaki kimse yiyemedi, çünkü kaşar peynir değildi. Tuzlu desem tuzlu değil, ekşi desem ekşi değil. Eski kaşar desem, tadını biliyoruz çok şükür. Patates kızartmaları takır takırdı yine kimse yiyemedi. Peynir domates salam hepsi karmakarışık bir halde sunum tahtasında geldi.Çok vasat.. 4 tane kıl biber... siyah zeytin deseniz 10 tane. 2 tabak yeşil zeytin gelmiş, tatlılara geçelim... Reçeller ve tahin pekmez karışımı yemin ederim jöle kıvamındaydı(muhtemelen akşamdan tabaklanmış) boyutlarına hiç girmiyorum.. Kakaolu fındık kremasına benzer bişey vardı, girmek istemiyorum. Sosis salam tüketmediğim için onların tadı hakkında bir şey söyleyemeyeceğim. Yoğurtlu bişey koymuşlar, sabah kahvaltısı ile ne alaka... 4 dilim(1 gözleme 4'e bölünmüş) gözleme geldi, idare ederdi. Kuru üzüm.. Neyse... 2 sene önce gittiğimde harika bi deneyim sunmuştu. Maalesef şu anda rezalet durumda. Bu mekan da, ticarileşme aşamasında kalitesinden ödün vermeyi seçmiş. Ha kalabalık mı, kalabalık. Para basıyor mu, basıyor. Arap turistler olmasa 2 sene içerisinde bu hizmet kalitesi ile kapatır dükkanı. 50 TL ile ibb sosyal tesislerde yapabileceğiniz bir kahvaltı ile dahi boy ölçüşemez. Taze olan şeyler: Beyaz ekmek (tam buğdaya benzer bir ekmek de vardı ama o da taze değildi) Çay Özetle: Nimete saygısızlık haddime değil, hiç böyle yorumlar da atmam normal şartlarda(bu ilk yorumum bile olabilir) . Ama 200TL verip, karşılık olarak misafirlerimi de mutlu edememiş olmanın can sıkıntısı da paha biçilemez. İlle de gidecekseniz çok net, serpme kahvaltı almayın, aldırmayın! Muhlama, sucuklu yumurta, tost, gözleme vb. şeyler tüketin. Tabaklardaki ürünleri paylaşıyorum. Yıldıza aldanmayın. Çok net. Millet olarak yıldıza çok kanıyoruz..
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