Uskudar Kupluce Mısırlı National Garden

Where is Uskudar Kupluce Mısırlı National Garden? Directions to Uskudar Kupluce Mısırlı National Garden, What's in Uskudar Kupluce Mısırlı National Garden? What is there to do around Uskudar Kuplüce Mısırlı National Garden? Information you wonder about Uskudar Kupluce Mısırlı National Garden is on Nomatto!

Uskudar Kupluce Mısırlı National Garden

Uskudar Kupluce Mısırlı Millet Bahçesi is a nature and recreation area offering a variety of activities on an area of 44,000 square meters. It is full of facilities such as hobby gardens, seating areas, children's playgrounds, open-air cinema, cycling and jogging tracks. There are also viewing terraces, a chairlift, picnic areas and a museum of medicinal plants. The garden offers visitors a relaxing environment and hosts various events. Where is Uskudar Kupluce Mısırlı National Garden? Directions to Uskudar Kupluce Mısırlı National Garden, What's in Uskudar Kupluce Mısırlı National Garden? What is there to do around Uskudar Kuplüce Mısırlı National Garden? Information you wonder about Uskudar Kupluce Mısırlı National Garden is on Nomatto!


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