Adatepe Olive Oil Museum

Where is Adatepe Olive Oil Museum? Adatepe Olive Oil Museum Directions, Adatepe Olive Oil Museum Sections, Adatepe Olive Oil Museum Artifacts, Adatepe Olive Oil Museum Virtual Tour, What is the Most Famous Work of Adatepe Olive Oil Museum? Is Museum Card Valid at Adatepe Olive Oil Museum? Adatepe Olive Oil ...

Adatepe Olive Oil Museum

Adatepe Olive Oil Museum, which has a unique concept in Turkey, has been hosting thousands of local and foreign visitors since 2001. The museum, which is a historical soap factory building, is located in Küçükkuyu and while it continues olive oil production with traditional methods, it also exhibits various tools, equipment and accessories related to olives, olive oil and soap production collected from the surrounding villages to visitors. Where is Adatepe Olive Oil Museum? Adatepe Olive Oil Museum Directions, Adatepe Olive Oil Museum Sections, Adatepe Olive Oil Museum Artifacts, Adatepe Olive Oil Museum Virtual Tour, What is the Most Famous Work of Adatepe Olive Oil Museum? Is Museum Card Valid at Adatepe Olive Oil Museum? Adatepe Olive Oil Museum Entrance Fees? Adatepe Olive Oil Museum Visiting Hours, What to Do Around Adatepe Olive Oil Museum? The information you are wondering about Adatepe Olive Oil Museum is on Nomatto!
Sahil mah. Küçükkuyu, Sahil, 17980 Küçükkuyu/Ayvacık/Çanakkale, Türkiye


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