Bilecik Gezilecek Yerler

🌎 Gezeceğin Yeri Seç 📅 Planını Yap 🤩 Keyfine Bak! 👇🏼 👇🏼 👇🏼 Gezi Planlarımızı🏖 Listerimizi İncele👀 Kendi Rotanı Oluştur📌
: 203.849
: 850
at a glance

The first settlement in Bilecik, the scene of the civilization and sovereignty of many peoples throughout history, was built in AD. Oh, my God. It goes back 3,000 years. In addition to being the first important fortress conquered by Osman Bey, it is the city where he preached for the first time in his own name. The tomb of Sheikh Edebalı, located in the city center of Bilecik, which stands out for the privilege of being the place where the founding of the Ottoman State took place, weighs heavy caravans of visitors. The village of Kınık in the district of Pazaryeri has become a center of attraction with its pottery products, famous bazaar and helva, Ayva Lokum in the district of Osmaneli, the Ertuğrulgazi Museum in the district of Söğüt.

Spring and summer

Spring and summer


Travel Plans


Where to eat

Activities to Do