A Journey from Nature to Culture

In every corner of the province of Bilecik, where the Ottoman State was founded and made its capital, many stops that take you back in time, reviving cultural values in this itinerary...

A Journey from Nature to Culture

In every corner of the province of Bilecik, where the Ottoman State was founded and made its capital, many stops that take you back in time, reviving cultural values in this itinerary...

The Wrist Clock Tower
The Wrist Clock Tower

Due to its location on the Silk Road, the historic clock tower, which for a long time also showed the ...

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The Orhangazi Mosque
The Orhangazi Mosque

Orhangazi Mosque is a magnificent architectural masterpiece that has survived from the early Ottoman period. This historical mosque, named after ...

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The mausoleum of Sheikh Edebali
The mausoleum of Sheikh Edebali

The tomb of Sheikh Edebali, one of the most important historical heritages in Bilecik, is almost identified with the city. ...

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Harmankaya Canyon Nature Park is located in Harmankaya Canyon
Harmankaya Canyon Nature Park is located in Harmankaya Canyon

Harmankaya canyon is located between Yenipazar and Inhisar districts of Bilecik province

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The Lake of the Pelitos
The Lake of the Pelitos

Surrounded by pine trees, the Pelitozü lake is especially popular with picnickers.

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In every corner of the province of Bilecik, where the Ottoman State was founded and made its capital, you will find peace in nature with canyons and ponds while reviving the cultural values that take you back in time.