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Places to visit

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Bolu travel plans

This is Esentepe Mesire

Esentepe Mesire Area is located at an altitude of 1300 meters in the north of ...

The houses of Mudurnu

For those who ask where to go in Bolu, Mudurnu is one of the most ...

This is Lake Aladag

Aladağ Lake is located next to the Aladağ plateaus and the scout camp, which are ...

The rock houses of Seben

Seben Rock Houses is a settlement in Seben County, Bolu, consisting of a large number ...

The Tower of Victory

The Victory Tower of Göynük is located on a hill overlooking the district. It was ...

The pear maker's mansion

It is the Mudurnulu Karaçayırlar family who built the Armutçular Manor, a unique wooden manor ...

Bolu Central Baths

Bolu Orta Hamam was built in 1389 by Yıldırım Bayezit. Bolu Orta Hamam, one of ...

The Houses of Glory

Göynük is rich in old Turkish houses. The Göynük Houses here belong to the beginning ...

The travertine of Akkaya

Although the best-known travertines in Turkey are in Pamukkale, the Akkaya Travertines, one of the ...

This is Tashan

Bolu Taşhan, Bolu city center is among the places to visit. The Big Cami neighborhood, ...

This is Nazlıgöl

100 meters from the plateau where the Great Lake is located. The largest lake on ...

The Serengeti

It is located in the north of the Great Lake. Located in the province of ...