It 's F. Private Arabul Cultural Center and City Museum.

F. from Yıldırım Caddesi, Jamiatik Mahallesi. The Private Arabul Cultural Center and City Museum, abbreviated as KUAKMER, became operational in 2015. KUAKMER, named after Fatma Özel Arabul, one of Turkey's most valuable writers, has the distinction of being the region's first cultural center and museum. The museum, which serves as ...

It 's F. Private Arabul Cultural Center and City Museum.

F. from Yıldırım Caddesi, Jamiatik Mahallesi. The Private Arabul Cultural Center and City Museum, abbreviated as KUAKMER, became operational in 2015. KUAKMER, named after Fatma Özel Arabul, one of Turkey's most valuable writers, has the distinction of being the region's first cultural center and museum. The museum, which serves as an institution where events such as literary talks, panels, symposia, conferences and theatrical performances are organized; Archive, Specialist Library, Museum and F. It consists of four different sections: the Special Arabul Memorial Library and the Room.

F. from Yıldırım Caddesi, Jamiatik Mahallesi. The Private Arabul Cultural Center and City Museum, abbreviated as KUAKMER, became operational in 2015. KUAKMER, named after Fatma Özel Arabul, one of Turkey's most valuable writers, has the distinction of being the region's first cultural center and museum. The museum, which serves as an institution where events such as literary talks, panels, symposia, conferences and theatrical performances are organized; Archive, Specialist Library, Museum and F. It consists of four different sections: the Special Arabul Memorial Library and the Room.

67, Camiatik, Yıldırım Cd., 09400 Kuşadası/Aydın, Türkiye


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