Aydın Gezilecek Yerler

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: 1110972
: 64
at a glance

Aydın is the twentieth most populous city in Turkey. Located in the Aegean Region, it is one of the most developed provinces in terms of tourism. It is bordered by Izmir to the north, Manisa to the northeast, Denizli to the east, Muğla to the south, and the Aegean Sea to the west. As of 2019, there are 1,110. It is the third largest county in the Aegean Region with a population of 110,972. With a population of 972, it is the third largest county in the Aegean Region. There are seventeen counties.


The old names of Aydin were Tralleis and Güzelhisar, and the name was changed to Aydin during the reign of the Aydinoğulları, which was founded in the 14th century during the reign of the Anatolian Beylites. The name was changed to Aydın during the reign of the Aydinoğulları beylik, which was founded during the reign of the Anatolian beyliks in the 20th century.


Aydın has been home to various civilizations, the most prominent cities in Antiquity are Aphrodisias, Miletus, Didyma, Nysa, Priene, Magnesia. Today's Aydın, along with the city of Tralleis, developed during the time of the Hittites in 2500 BC, and experienced its heyday during the time of Lydia in the 8th century. It had its heyday in the time of Lydia. Along with the Seljuks, it is endowed with the cultural presence and works of the Turkish civilization.


Tourism is the second most important source of income. There are about 680 accommodation facilities with a capacity of 78,000 beds. It has a capacity of 1,000 beds. Dilek Peninsula National Park, Kuşadası and Didim beaches are important beaches.

There are nine museums in the province. These are the Aydın Museum of Archaeology, the Yörük Ali Efe Museum, the Afrodisias Museum, the Karacas Ethnography Museum, the Milet Museum, the National Museum of Chinese Beekeeping, the Museum of National Ethnography and the Museum of Olive and Olive Growing in Kuşadası.

It's also quite rich in terms of grazing areas. These are Aphrodisias (Karacas), Alabanda (China), Alinda (Karpuzlu), the Temple of Apollo (Didim), Gerga (China), Harpasa (Nazilli), Magnesia (Partners), Mastaura (Nazilli), Miletus (Didim), Nysa (Sultanisar), Priene (Soke) and Tralleis (Ephesus).




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