The beach and the beach

With its tree houses and bungalow guesthouses scattered among orange orchards, as well as its wide beach, which provides a nesting area for Caretta Caretta turtles, Çralı, a peaceful stop near Olimpos, has Olimpos at one end and Yanartaş at the other end of its 3 km long beach. ...

The beach and the beach

With its tree houses and bungalow guesthouses scattered among orange orchards, as well as its wide beach, which provides a nesting area for Caretta Caretta turtles, Çralı, a peaceful stop near Olimpos, has Olimpos at one end and Yanartaş at the other end of its 3 km long beach.

With its tree houses and bungalow guesthouses scattered among orange orchards, as well as its wide beach, which provides a nesting area for Caretta Caretta turtles, Çralı, a peaceful stop near Olimpos, has Olimpos at one end and Yanartaş at the other end of its 3 km long beach. With a magnificent nature surrounded by peanut pines and eucalyptus trees, Çıralı Plajı ⁇ has a crystal clear sea because it is a site area. In Çıralı ⁇ , one of the most economical routes near Olympos, there are campsites for accommodation as well as cafes and restaurants, many of which are family-run, on the beach walkway.

Çıralı Plajı, Ulupınar, 07982 Kemer/Antalya, Türkiye


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