The Cappadocian Delicious Table

Cappadocia Lezzet Sofrasi is a restaurant located in the Avanos district of Nevşehir Province. Along with the famous dishes of the region, Lezzet Sofrası, which also offers other flavors of Turkish cuisine, the standout flavor is the local test kebab. You can find answers to all your questions such as ...

The Cappadocian Delicious Table

Cappadocia Lezzet Sofrasi is a restaurant located in the Avanos district of Nevşehir Province. Along with the famous dishes of the region, Lezzet Sofrası, which also offers other flavors of Turkish cuisine, the standout flavor is the local test kebab. You can find answers to all your questions such as where is the Cappadocia Delicious Table? How to get to the Cappadocia Delicious Table? What is the Cappadocia Delicious Table menu and prices? and all the detailed information about the Cappadocia Delicious Table in this article.

The Cappadocian Delicious Table, With their delicious food and their smiling employees. Where do you eat in Avanos? It's one of the first answers that comes to mind. Reflecting the cultural heritage of the region and offering a historical taste journey, the restaurant offers a unique experience by blending history and taste within traditional stone houses. In the restaurant, where you can find other delicacies of Turkish cuisine along with traditional Cappadocian dishes, the meal begins with a hot balloon pie and a table service before the main meal ordered. The menu includes many varieties such as meat dishes, vegetable dishes, entrees, salads, soups, and desserts.

The atmosphere of the restaurant is decorated in accordance with the natural beauty and cultural heritage of Cappadocia. On the walls of the restaurant there are paintings of local elements such as peribacas, rock houses and historical ruins in the Cappadocia region. In addition, the interior of the restaurant is decorated with traditional fabrics, carpets, and handicrafts used in Cappadocia. The delicious dishes of the Taste Table, often preferred by both locals and tourists. Places to visit in Avanos In addition to exploring This is Cappadocia. You can browse our page, make your own travel plans.

Where's the Cappadocian deli?

Where is the Cappadocia Delicious Table? It is located in the Cappadocia region of Turkey. It is located in the district of Avanos, which is known as one of its central locations and is very popular from a tourist point of view. The full address of Tezzet Sofrasi is as follows: Jamikebir neighborhood, Vatan Cd. NO:21, 50500 Avanos/Nevshahir. What are you doing here?

How to Get to the Cappadocian Delicious Table

How do you get to the Cappadocia Delicious Table? You can use the following routes to get to the Cappadocia Delicious Table.

  • By air:
    The fastest way to get to the Cappadocia Delicious Table from other cities is by plane. If you can reach an airport near Cappadocia (such as Nevşehir Cappadocia Airport or Kayseri Airport) by plane, you can then go from the airport by taxi, car rental or a pre-arranged transfer service to Tezzet Sofrası.
  • By road:
    If you are coming to Cappadocia by your own vehicle or by road transport, when you reach the district of Avanos, you can follow the directions on the local sign to the area where the Cappadocian Taste Table is located.
  • By public transport:
    If you want to come to the Cappadocia region by bus or train, you can reach the bus or train stations in large cities such as Kayseri or Nevşehir. From here you can take a local minibus or a taxi to Avanos County. When you arrive in Avanos, you can use the local transportation options to reach the Taste Table.

The menu of the Cappadocian delicacies

The menu of the Taste Table, where you can find a wide variety of dishes from breakfast to dinner, offers a rich selection of sprinkled breakfasts, varieties of pies, soups, regional dishes, grills, salads and menus. Detailed menu and price information can be found in our article below.

Prices of the Cappadocia Delicious Table in 2023

Cappadocia Delicious Table menu and prices for 2023 As of July, it's as follows:

• Breakfast at the shelter: 440 TL
• Soup: 50 Rupees
•Testi Kebab: 330 TL
Chicken tested cabbage: 260 TL
•Vegetarian kebab: 250 TL
• Meat in the kitchen: 290 TL
Chicken in the attic: 180 TL
• Meatballs in the kitchen: 210 TL
• Mushrooms in the kitchen: 200 TL
•Chicken with Mexican sauce at the entrance: EUR 210
•Nevshahir Tava: 310 TL
•Rice and rice: 50 TL
•Bulgarian rice: 50 Rupees
•Fried potatoes: 50 TL
•Mevlana Pide: 150 TL
•Pide with clothes: 120 TL
• Local logic: 130 TL
It's called Adana Şiş.
Chicken and beef: £180
• Varieties of salads: 50 Rupees
•Variety of meals: 30 TL
•Cleaning: 150 TL

CAMİKEBİR MAHALLESİ, Vatan Cd. NO:21, 50500 Avanos/Nevşehir, Türkiye


Google Yorumlarda 4118 yorumun ortalaması 4.8
Ozan Ozy
08 May 2022
(8 ay önce)
Avanos ta en güzel kebapçı Dayı nin yeri. Ama fiyatları malum. Bu sebeple burayı tercih ettik. Fiyatları elbette normalin üstünde ancak ne yazık ki lezzetli değil, eh işte. Öncelikle baş garson kibar birisi değil. İkincisi 2 kişi de gitseniz 8 kişi de gitseniz aynı ikram (başlangıçlar) geliyor. Fazla isterseniz tadımlık olduğu kabaca iletiliyor. Başlangıçlar 10 üzerinden 1 puan alır. O bir puani da gelen sıcak pide alır. Mevlana, İskender, Kiremitte Et ve Testi Kebabı fena sayılmaz.
Anıl Halil MERCAN
09 Ara 2022
(3 hafta önce)
Gezi için gidip, gitmişken testi kebabı da yiyelim diye uğradığımız mekan. Mezeleri, salataları taze, etler güzel pişmiş ve yumuşaktı. Yayık ayran oldukça lezzeyliydi çalışan personel de güler yüzlü ve ilgililer.
Büşra Tığlı
02 May 2022
(8 ay önce)
Testi kebabı ve kiremitte et denedim. İkisi de harikaydı. Sipariş ettiğiniz ana yemeklerden önce sıcacık pide ve çeşitli mezeler getiriyorlar. Personel de çok kibar ve ilgili. Ailecek 2 akşam gittik, çok memnun kaldık. Fiyatlar da abartı değil, kesinlikle tavsiye ediyorum.
tülin köle
19 Kas 2022
(bir ay önce)
Henuz 2 gun oldu,Istanbul a döneli ama hala tadi damagimda desem inanin abartmis olmam☺️ tatilimin 2.gunu kesfettigim ve son gun ucaga binmeden once lezzet depoladigim bu sofra bize oncelikle aile bagiyla kucaklayan tadimlik mezeleriyle mutlandiran son olarak tercih ettigimz hic bir menude hic mi bise pismanlik duymadigim harika isletme....yorum yapacagim adinizi soylermisiniz ozellikle tesekkur edecegim dedigimde sefimin o nazik yorumu..siz soframizi tercih ettiniz adima gerek yok demesindeki o mutevaziligi..Calisan kizlarin sicak samimiyeti valla uzaklarda bir mutfagim bir sofram var diyebilecegim kadar sevdim..inaniyorum yeniden gorusecegiz...Ellerinize yureginize saglik 2 kiz 2 anneden size kucak dolusu selamlar ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤👋👋🧑‍🦱
Gul Yaman
03 Ağu 2022
(5 ay önce)
Yemekler özellikle testi kebabi 10 numara 5 yildiz 👌servisteki bütün ekip çok güzel servis yapiyorlar güler yüz harika bir akşam yemeği yedik çok teşşekkür 👌👌👍👍👍👍
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