The castle of Mamure

On the Mersin-Antalya highway, 6 km from Anamur. Mamure Castle, located on the seashore in the southeast, has an area of 23,500 m2. It's M. S and IV. The castle, built by the Romans in the century, was later expanded during the Byzantine and Crusader periods.

The castle of Mamure

On the Mersin-Antalya highway, 6 km from Anamur. Mamure Castle, located on the seashore in the southeast, has an area of 23,500 m2. It's M. S and IV. The castle, built by the Romans in the century, was later expanded during the Byzantine and Crusader periods.

On the Mersin-Antalya highway, 6 km from Anamur. Mamure Castle, located on the seashore in the southeast, has an area of 23,500 m2. It's M. S and IV. The castle, built by the Romans in the century, was later expanded during the Byzantine and Crusader periods. The current castle was built in place of the castle that was destroyed during the conquest of the Seljuk Sultan Alaaddin Keykubat in 1221. Later, it passed to the Karamanids and the Ottomans. Mamure Castle, which has the appearance of a caravan, is one of the best-preserved Anatolian cities. The towers, the walls, the moats are still standing. In the only book found on the body wall of the castle, the date 1450 (Karamanoğlu İbrahim Zamanı) is written according to the history of Shikari; "After the capture and destruction of Anamur and Taşeli by the Kagirs, Karamanoğlu Mahmut Bey (1300-1308) defeated the enemy with his army of 36,000 men, captured the castle, destroyed it and named it Mamuriye. With his army of 1,000 men, he defeated the enemy, captured the castle, defeated it, and named it Mamuria. "the record will pass.

İskele, 33650 Anamur/Mersin, Türkiye


Google Yorumlarda 1898 yorumun ortalaması 4.5
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