The Cave of the Sunless

Güngörmez Cave is located in a village called Güngörmez in Tekirdağ Province. The village of Güngörmez is known for its name, which comes from a water source surrounded by rugged and tall trees. This spring is located in the middle of the village. Near the village, near the Galata River, ...

The Cave of the Sunless

Güngörmez Cave is located in a village called Güngörmez in Tekirdağ Province. The village of Güngörmez is known for its name, which comes from a water source surrounded by rugged and tall trees. This spring is located in the middle of the village. Near the village, near the Galata River, are the Güngörmez Caves, an archaeological and natural site. On the slopes of these caves there are oaks, geysers and wild maple trees. There are also natural rock shelters on the slopes of the valley. These shelters were used as settlements in prehistoric times and served as monumental tombs in historical times.

The natural beauty of Güngörmez Cave, combined with the cool and humid air inside, offers you a different experience. As you walk inside the cave, you can observe the different colored limestone formations and the interesting shapes on the cave walls. The cave is a unique area of exploration for nature lovers and adventurers.

The natural beauty around Güngörmez Cave also attracts visitors. Green forests, hillsides decorated with flowers, and an atmosphere full of bird sounds welcome you. On your journey to the cave, you can take a pleasant walk alongside these wonderful landscapes that nature offers.

Where is the Cave of the Sunflower?

Where is the Cave of the Unforgettable? It is located in a village called Güngörmez in the province of Tekirdağ. The village of Güngörmez is known for its name, which comes from a water source surrounded by rugged and tall trees. This spring is located in the middle of the village. Near the village, near the Galata River, are the Güngörmez Caves, an archaeological and natural site. On the slopes of these caves there are oaks, geysers and wild maple trees. There are also natural rock shelters on the slopes of the valley. These shelters were used as settlements in prehistoric times and served as monumental tombs in historical times.

Information about the cave of Güngörmez

Knowledge of the Cave of the Sunless, This cave was used as a settlement and rock tomb in prehistoric times. This cave, which extends up to 40 meters, was declared a natural site in 2019. Walking around the cave and discovering the historical remains offers visitors an exciting experience. When you take a hike in the Kanara Canyon, you will encounter magnificent vegetation and water sources. This is also an area where most of the mango cultivation is done in Tekirdağ province. As you wander through the canyon, you may have the opportunity to watch the mandalas enter the water. In addition to these natural beauties, the rock tombs attract visitors. For history enthusiasts, exploring these rock tombs to discover clues to the past can be a very exciting experience.

What is the Cave of the Ungrateful One?

During your nature walk around the Sunless Caves, you can take breaks in the gardens of the productive ladies who live in the area. During these breaks, you'll have a chance to taste the local delicacies. By enjoying the local produce, you can add a little flavor to the natural beauty of the area. The village of Güngörmez and its surroundings, with their natural beauty and historical features. The Wheel of Fortune It's one of those places worth exploring. You can take pictures and go hiking.

When you reach the cave of Gungorn, Places to go on a bike ride You can create your own itinerary from our page, if you want. In the Canary Canyon You can visit.

Güngörmez, 59600 Saray/Tekirdağ, Türkiye


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The Cave of the Sunless

The Cave of the Sunless

Güngörmez Cave is located in a village called Güngörmez in Tekirdağ Province. The village of Güngörmez is known ...