Tekirdağ Gezilecek Yerler

🌎 Gezeceğin Yeri Seç 📅 Planını Yap 🤩 Keyfine Bak! 👇🏼 👇🏼 👇🏼 Gezi Planlarımızı🏖 Listerimizi İncele👀 Kendi Rotanı Oluştur📌
: 1.113.400
: 37
at a glance

Tekirdağ is a province in Thrace, bordering both the Marmara and the Black Sea.
Tekirdağ, with its natural greenery and beautiful views of the blue sea, is home to many historical and cultural tourist attractions.
Our province, which enriches our country with its vineyards, beaches and cuisine, is also one of the important trading ports of the Thracian region.
Due to its proximity to Istanbul, it offers many options in terms of sea and nature tourism to those who want to escape the hustle and bustle of the city on weekends.
Parachuting on the slopes of Uçmakdere; visiting fields of lavender and sunflowers; visiting vineyards; swimming on blue flag beaches;
Tasting the famous Tekirdağ cheese slices and the Hayrabolu dessert, witnessing the precious weavings of Thrace...
For all of this and much more, the Wheel is waiting for you.

Summer and spring months

Summer and spring months


Travel Plans


Where to eat

Activities to Do