The clock tower of Balykesir

The Balıkesir Clock Tower was built in 1827 by the governor of Silistere, Cretan Mehmet Pasha, in a structure similar to the Galata Tower. The clock tower, also known as the 'Big Clock' by the people of Balıkesir, is one of the most beautiful examples of the city's Ottoman traces. ...

The clock tower of Balykesir

The Balıkesir Clock Tower was built in 1827 by the governor of Silistere, Cretan Mehmet Pasha, in a structure similar to the Galata Tower. The clock tower, also known as the 'Big Clock' by the people of Balıkesir, is one of the most beautiful examples of the city's Ottoman traces. What was the purpose of the Balıkesir Clock Tower? Where is the Balıkesir Clock Tower? What is the story of the Balıkesir Clock Tower? You can find answers to all your questions and information about the Balıkesir Clock Tower in this article.

When we look at the history of the Balıkesir Clock Tower, we see that its roots date back to the Ottoman Empire. The construction date of the clock tower is recorded as 1827 and since that date it has become a symbol of the city. Although it has been restored several times over the years, the tower still stands in its original form.

The Clock Tower of Balykesir: A Monument in the Footsteps of History

Rising among the streets of Balıkesir full of history and culture, the Balıkesir Clock Tower is a historical monument that carries the memories of the past to the present day and has become one of the symbols of the city. This tower, which was built in 1827 by the Governor of Silistre, Zade Mehmet Pasha, with 5 floors, is notable for its rich architectural structure. The work also offers a monumental resemblance to the Galata Tower.

From History to the Present: The Rebirth

Looking at the history of the Balykesir Clock Tower, it stands out as a structure that has withstood the effects of time. Although it was destroyed in the earthquake of 1897, the tower was rebuilt in 1901 by the governor Omar Ali Bey. This reconstruction process shows how great the importance and historical value of the tower was. In 1962, the book was restored, preserving traces of the past.

Architectural marvel: Aesthetics and originality

The architectural features of the Balıkesir Clock Tower reflect the aesthetic understanding and construction technique of the period. Designed as a five-story tower, it defines the silhouette of the city with a height of 20 meters. The resemblance between the bell tower and historical photographs and today's tower emphasizes that the tower has been modernized in a manner consistent with the original. Built with white cut stones, the tower is decorated with exquisite embossed workmanship.

Today: Money and Symbolism

The Balykesir Clock Tower is one of the important symbols not only of the city but also of the country. This historical structure was printed as a souvenir coin by the General Directorate of the Darphane and Stamp Printing and presented to the admiration of collectors. Made of silver and carefully designed, the commemorative coin symbolizes history and culture, but also reflects the special connection to the tower.

A City Full of Memories: The Fisherman's Clock Tower

The Balıkesir Clock Tower is a symbol of a historical journey from the city's past to the present. This monument, erected by the will of Zade Mehmet Pasha of Crete, stands upright today as a treasure that carries the tones of time. Every corner, with its reliefs and atmosphere that smells of history, forms a part of the rich heritage of Balykesir.

Where's the clock tower?

For those who wonder where the Balıkesir Clock Tower is, the Balıkesir High School is located at the entrance of the Dumlupınar neighborhood at the beginning of the slope. Across the street from the historic tent and about a five-minute walk from the history. The mosque of Zagnos Pasha It's found.

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How to Get to the Fisherman's Clock Tower

The Balykesir Clock Tower is quite easy to reach. Here's how to get to the Fisherman's Clock Tower:

  • By bus: One of the most common ways to get to the Balıkesir Clock Tower is by bus. From the bus station in Balıkesir, you can reach the clock tower by city buses or full buses. You can determine the most convenient bus route by examining the inner-city transport map.
  • By taxi: If you want to get to the Balıkesir Clock Tower quickly and comfortably, you can take a taxi. You can easily reach the Clock Tower by taking a taxi from the taxi stands in the city center. When you're driving a taxi, all you have to do is tell the driver, "I want to go to the Clock Tower".
  • By walking . If you are in the center of Balıkesir, you can also walk to the Clock Tower. The city center is usually within walking distance, and since the Clock Tower is also in a central point, it is easily accessible from most tourist attractions.

Directions to the Balykesir Clock Tower

You can follow these steps for directions to the Balykesir Clock Tower. From the public transportation center in the city center, head towards the Army House and continue along the National Forces Avenue to reach Ali Hikmet Pasha Square. If you follow the road to the left from Ali Hikmet Pasha Square, the clock tower will remain on your right.

Information about the Balykesir clock tower

Information about the Balykesir clock tower It's not limited to that, of course. After the damaged parts of the tower were restored and repaired by the municipality of Balıkesir in 1962, in addition to the original structure, the upper part was covered with a dome and a large bell was added. With a height of 5 floors and 20 meters, the tower consists of 185 steps.

The clock tower consists of two mechanisms, one as a bell system and the other as a clock system. Since the clock is set up manually, it is installed by an attendant twice a week. There are a total of 4 clocks in the tower, and you can see what time it is on the 4th side of the tower. The fact that there is no difference between the Hüdavendigar annal and the photographs in the archives of Ircıca ⁇ shows that the recent restoration was properly modernized.

The tower, which has an octagonal plan in a classical style bearing traces of the Ottoman period, has a remarkable height and is decorated with various ornaments. The sound of the bell can still be heard from many of the old neighborhoods in the center of Balıkesir, while thanks to the height of the tower, it can be seen from many hill points of the city.

Places to visit in Balykesir Among the must-see clock towers, it also has unique views for your photo shoots thanks to the many historical sites in the vicinity.

The story of the Balykesir Clock Tower

The story of the Balıkesir Clock Tower is based on an event from the Ottoman period. According to the story, Mehmet Ali Pasha of Kavala, who was the governor of Balıkesir in the early 19th century, ordered the construction of a clock tower in the city. Mehmet Ali Pasha of Kavala, who was the governor at the beginning of the century, orders the construction of a clock tower in the city. However, at that time there was no experienced builder in Balıkesir. At this, a skilled carpenter appears who suggests a solution to the governor. Marangoz says it takes a tower to build a clock tower. Then, the carpenter builds a tower using the stones of an old minaret in Balykesir. Marangoz equips the tower he built with a clock mechanism and the clock tower becomes one of the symbols of Balykesir. After this incident, the people of Balykesir named the tower "Marangoz Tower".

Later, the Marangoz Tower was demolished and the current Clock Tower was built in its place. The Clock Tower, completed in 1892, is built on the site of an 18th-century school called the Stone School. It's built on the site of a school called the Stone School, which was built in the 16th century. The New Clock Tower is located next to the Zagnos Pasha Mosque in the city center. Today, the Balıkesir Clock Tower is considered one of the symbolic structures of the city. Visitors can visit here to see the historic tower and watch the clock mechanism work. The Balıkesir Clock Tower is an important symbol that reflects the history and cultural heritage of the city.

What was the purpose of the Fisherman's Clock Tower?

There's actually more than one answer to the question, "What was the purpose of the Balykesir Clock Tower?" One of the reasons why clock towers, which reflect the cultural and historical past, are found in many parts of Anatolia is that II. On the 25th anniversary of Abdulhamid's accession to the throne, the decree he sent to the governors regarding the construction of the clock tower can be shown. On the anniversary, the governors can be shown the decree he sent regarding the construction of the clock tower. In addition, clock towers are usually built in city centers and serve an important function for keeping track of time. The Balykesir Clock Tower was also built to help the city's residents keep track of time.

Dumlupınar, 10100 Balıkesir Merkez/Balıkesir, Türkiye


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Ufuk Talha ERGÜN
08 Eki 2022
(2 ay önce)
Kulenin giriş kapısı üzerinde yer alan kitabeye göre 1827 yılında Silistre Valisi Girit-i Zade Mehmet Paşa tarafından 5 katlı olarak yaptırılmıştır. Eser yapı itibarıyla Galata Kulesi’ne benzetilmektedir. Saat Kulesi 1897 yılında meydana gelen bir depremde yıkılmıştır. Yıkılan kule Mimarı Ömer Ali Bey tarafından 1901 yılında yeniden yaptırılmıştır. 1962 yılında ise kitabesi onarımdan geçmiştir. 5 katlı olarak inşa edilen kule 20 metre yüksekliğindedir. Ircıca’nın arşivindeki fotoğraflarla bugünkü inşa edilen kule arasında hiçbir fark bulunmaması, kulenin aslına uygun bir şekilde modernize edildiğini göstermektedir.Günümüzde Arkasından kadraja el sallayan Hilton Otel sayesinde ortaya Kötü fotoğraflar çıkmasını sağlayan kuledir.
Burak Göker
20 Eki 2022
(bir ay önce)
Kulenin giriş kapısı üzerinde yer alan kitabeye göre 1827 (h. 1243) yılında Silistre Valisi Girit-i Zade Mehmet Paşa tarafından 5 katlı olarak yaptırılmıştır. Eser yapı itibarıyla Galata Kulesi’ne benzetilmektedir. Saat Kulesi 1897 yılında meydana gelen bir depremde yıkılmıştır. Yıkılan kule mutasarrıf Ömer Ali Bey tarafından 1901 yılında yeniden yaptırılmıştır. 1962 yılında ise kitabesi onarımdan geçmiştir. 5 katlı olarak inşa edilen kule 20 metre yüksekliğindedir. Hüdavendigâr salnamesinde (h.1325) ve Ircıca’nın arşivindeki fotoğraflarla bugünkü inşa edilen kule arasında hiçbir fark bulunmaması, kulenin aslına uygun bir şekilde modernize edildiğini göstermektedir. 27 Kasım 2013 tarihinde Darphane ve Damga Matbaası Genel Müdürlüğü tarafından hazırlanan ve 27 Kasım 2015 tarihinde satıştan kaldırılacak olan Saat Kuleleri Serisi No:3 isimli Balıkesir Saat Kulesi Hatıra Parası basılmıştır. 925 ayar gümüşten yapılan ve 38,61 mm x 28 mm boyutlarında, 15,55 gram ağırlığında olan 2.000 adet basılan madenî para ₺55,00 karşılığında satışa sunulmuştur. Madenî para ₺50 TL ibarelidir.
Samed Kunac
23 Mar 2022
(8 ay önce)
1829 yılında Giritli Mehmet Paşa tarafından Galata Kulesi'nin bir benzeri olacak şekilde inşa ettirilmiştir. 1897 yılındaki depremde hasar görmüş, 1901 yılında bugünkü haliyle yapılmış ve kube, çan ve dört yüzüne saat eklenmiştir
Dilara Lale TURANLI
28 Eyl 2022
(2 ay önce)
Balikesir Saat Kulesi, 1829 yılında Girit’li Mehmet Paşa tarafından İstanbul Galata Kulesi’nin benzeri olarak, silindir şeklinde yaptırılmıştır. 1897 yılındaki deprem nedeniyle yıkılınca, 1901 yılında bugünkü şekliyle yeniden yaptırılmıştır. Kare prizma şeklindeki bina, beyaz kesme taş ile yapılmış ve kabartma işçiliklerle de süslü hale getirilmiştir. En üst kat kubbe ile örtülmüş ve büyük bir çan eklenmiştir. Buranın hemen altındaki katta ise dört yöne de birer saat konmuştur. Şehrin merkezinde, eski belediye bahçesi içindeki bir yamaç üzerinde bulunan saat kulesini, giriş kapısı üzerindeki kitabeden anlaşıldığına göre, h.1243 (1827)’de Silistre Valisi Girid-i Zade Mehmet Paşa yaptırılmıştır. Galata Kulesi’nin bir benzeri olduğu söylenmektedir. Saat Kulesi h.1313 (1898) yılındaki depremde yıkılmış,ve mutasarrıf Ömer Ali Bey tarafından 1901 yılında tekrar yaptırılmıştır. 1962 yılında kitabesi onarım görmüştür. Özellikleri Saat Kulesi kesme taştan 2x2 m. Ölçüsünde ve yaklaşık 20 m. Yüksekliğindedir. Kuleyi enine iki sıra silme gövdeyi üçe böler. Geniş olan orta bölümde “S” şeklindeki küçük konsollar üzerine oturtulmuş dört bir tarafta birer balkon ve ince uzun dikdörtgen pencereleri vardır. Üst bölümde her cephede, yuvarlak kadranlı birer saat bulunur. En üstte ise ahşap direkler üzerine oturtulmuş soğan başı şeklinde kubbeli bir köşkü bulunmaktadır. Hüdavendigar salnamesinde (h.1325) ve Ircıca’nın arşivindeki fotoğraflarla bugünkü saat kulesi arasında hiçbir fark bulunmamaktadır. Bu da orijinaline uygun bir biçimde yenilendiğinin kanıtıdır. Orijinal kulenin temelleri bugün toprak altındadır. Balıkesir Saat kulesi 1827 Yılında Silistre valisi Giridi Zade Mehmet Paşa tarafından Galata Kulesinin ayni olarak yaptırılmıştır. 1898'de büyük zelzelede yıkılmış, mutasarrıf Ömer Ali Bey tarafından bugünkü kule inşa edilmiştir. 1962'de Belediye tarafından onarılmıştır. Kaynak: internet Rivayet odur ki, eskiden insanların zamani daha iyi yonetebilmeleri icin, saat kuleleri bu denli yüksek ve tabi ihtisamlı yapilmis, herkes gorebilsin diye... Gördüğum saat kuleleri icinde degerlilerinden biri. Mimarisiyle, heybetiyle...
ayşe can kuşçu
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Önceden saatin vuruşları Bahçelievler'den duyulurdu. Işıklandırılması güzelliğini daha da ortaya çıkartmış. Torunlarım sesine ve görüntüsüne hayranlar.
The clock tower of Balykesir

The clock tower of Balykesir

The Balıkesir Clock Tower was built in 1827 by the governor of Silistere, Cretan Mehmet Pasha, in a ...