The Dicle Dam Lake

The historic Eğil County, located 50 kilometers from Diyarbakır, in the Dicle Dam Lake basin, has become the 'Riviera of the Southeast' with the accumulation of waters in the dam lake.

The Dicle Dam Lake

The historic Eğil County, located 50 kilometers from Diyarbakır, in the Dicle Dam Lake basin, has become the 'Riviera of the Southeast' with the accumulation of waters in the dam lake.

The historic Eğil County, located 50 kilometers from Diyarbakır, in the Dicle Dam Lake basin, has become the 'Riviera of the Southeast' with the accumulation of waters in the dam lake.

Tepecik, Dicle Barajı ve Hidroelektrik Santrali, 21470 Eğil/Diyarbakır, Türkiye


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