The Island of the Crusher

Charpanak Island, located in the village of Chitoren, in the north of Lake Van, is another must-see destination. The island, which is easily accessible by boat from the village pier, is closed to tourism to prevent the destruction of natural life. The island, which is thought to have been part ...

The Island of the Crusher

Charpanak Island, located in the village of Chitoren, in the north of Lake Van, is another must-see destination. The island, which is easily accessible by boat from the village pier, is closed to tourism to prevent the destruction of natural life. The island, which is thought to have been part of a peninsula until very ancient times, is said to have been formed when the waters of Lake Van rapidly rose and cut it off from the mainland, turning it into an island.

Charpanak Island, located in the village of Chitoren, in the north of Lake Van, is another must-see destination. The island, which is easily accessible by boat from the village pier, is closed to tourism to prevent the destruction of natural life. The island, which is thought to have been part of a peninsula until very ancient times, is said to have been formed when the waters of Lake Van rapidly rose and cut it off from the mainland, turning it into an island.

Çarpanak Adası, Mollakasım, 65090 Tuşba/Van, Türkiye


Google Yorumlarda 52 yorumun ortalaması 4.5
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fec Betül
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