The main mosque

The Central Külliye Mosque, built in the Seljuk and Ottoman architectural styles, attracts attention with its interior decorations. In particular, the sundial door of the mosque was made by hand for a year, and the fact that most of the tiles are made of handmade stone tiles highlights the architecture. ...

The main mosque

The Central Külliye Mosque, built in the Seljuk and Ottoman architectural styles, attracts attention with its interior decorations. In particular, the sundial door of the mosque was made by hand for a year, and the fact that most of the tiles are made of handmade stone tiles highlights the architecture. The mosque, which has become a symbol of Manavgat, has Qur'anic translations and source works in many languages, including English, German, Russian, French, Flemish and Italian, each sent by the Presidency of Religious Affairs, so that foreign tourists can learn about the Islamic religion.

Central Külliye Mosque is a historic mosque located in Manavgat district. Manavgat is one of the important tourist areas of Antalya, and the Central Külliye Mosque represents the religious and historical heritage of the region.

Antalya will be visited The Central Külliye Mosque, located in Manavgat, one of the beautiful districts, is one of the important religious and cultural structures of the region. The Central Culliya Mosque is also known as the Sultanate of Manavgat. Carrying a modern interpretation of traditional Ottoman architecture, it offers an atmosphere of peace to its visitors with its enchanting scenery and impressive design. One of the remarkable features of the Central Dome Mosque is that it has a magnificent dome. The beautiful minarets surrounding the dome add to the magnificence of the mosque. It's also... The mosque of the ashes And the interior is stunning. High ceilings, carefully crafted decorations, and stained-glass windows offer visitors an aesthetic experience.

The gardens and courtyard surrounding the Central Dome Mosque provide a calm and peaceful atmosphere. These areas are an ideal place for visitors to rest and enjoy the scenery. At the same time, the walking paths around the mosque offer visitors the opportunity to explore the historical and natural beauty. Around the Central Külliye Mosque, there are various tourist and commercial attractions such as restaurants, cafes and shopping centers, as well as architectural examples typical of the region. This one, too. The ash mosque. It offers different activities and excursion options for visitors. In addition, a 45-minute information session on Islam is held in the courtyard and inside the mosque, and the practice of abstaining and praying is shown.

Where is the main mosque?

Central Külliye Mosque is located a short distance from Manavgat district center. The mosque, located on the ring road, is very close, if not exactly by the river. Manavgat can be easily seen during boat tours. It is located along the Antalya-Alanya highway.

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How to Get to the Central Mosque

There are different transportation options to reach the Central Public Mosque in Antalya Manavgat. Several options on how to get to the Central Dome Mosque:

  • The bus: You can get to Manavgat Motorway from the center of Antalya or Manavgat. You can find minibuses or full ones that go from Manavgat Highway to the mosque. There may not be a minibus line that goes directly to the mosque, but you can get off at a nearby point using local minibus lines and then walk to the Central Dome Mosque.
  • The taxi: You can take a taxi from Antalya or Manavgat to the Central Dome Mosque. Traveling by taxi may be a faster and more comfortable option, but it may be more expensive than other transportation options.
  • Special vehicle: If you have your own vehicle, you can use the D400 highway from Antalya to Manavgat. After arriving in Manavgat, you can get directions to the Central Public Mosque from the locals or from navigation apps. There are parking spaces around the mosque.

When was the Central Mosque opened for worship?

The Central Cullia Mosque is notable for its architectural structure and interior decoration. It is one of the symbolic structures of Manavgat. The mass mosque It opened for worship in 2004.

Architectural features of the central dome mosque

Central Külliye Mosque is a modern mosque with impressive architectural features.

The Central Külliye Mosque carries the modern interpretation of traditional Ottoman architecture, while largely relying on square and rectangular forms. The exterior of the mosque is remarkable for its white marble cladding and detailed decorations. One of the most striking features of the Central Dome Mosque is its magnificent dome and surrounding minarets. The dome is located in the center of the mosque and forms a striking silhouette. The minarets. The mosque of the ashes It rises in the four corners and The Manavgat Mosque It increases your glory.

The Manavgat Mosque The interior has high ceilings and covers a large area. The detailed decorations and motifs on the ceilings bear traces of art from the Ottoman period. The Manavgat mosque The stained-glass windows inside allow the light to radiate in a magnificent way, adding a mystical air to the atmosphere. The interior and exterior facades of the central Qulliya Mosque are decorated with carefully crafted ornaments. Geometric patterns, examples of calligraphy, and vegetal motifs, characteristic of Islamic art, can be seen on the walls and ceilings of the mosque. These decorations enhance the aesthetic value of the mosque and provide a visual feast for visitors.

The Manavgat Mosque The natural and artificial lighting of the interior has been carefully considered. High windows and stained-glass windows allow daylight to penetrate indoors. In addition, modern lighting systems illuminate the exterior and interior of the mosque at night, giving the mosque a separate atmosphere. The Manavgat Mosque The surrounding gardens and courtyard offer visitors a peaceful atmosphere. Green spaces are decorated with trees and flowers. You can walk in the gardens, relax, and enjoy the scenery. The Central Külliye Mosque is an impressive structure that combines traditional Turkish art with a modern architectural understanding. These design details give visitors to the mosque both an aesthetic experience and a moment of peace.

Örnek, 1517. Sk., 07600 Manavgat/Antalya, Türkiye


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