The Midiat Route

The clock tower of Midyat
The clock tower of Midyat

The Midyat Clock Tower, one of the places to visit in Mardin Midyat, was built by the City of Midyat ...

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Museum of the City of Mardin Midyat
Museum of the City of Mardin Midyat

The Mardin Midyat City Museum, located in the Midyat district of Mardin, was opened by the Municipality of Midyat and ...

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This is Hajji Şehmus Mete Manor
This is Hajji Şehmus Mete Manor

The Hajji Şehmus Mete Mansion, located in Mardin Midyat, is a classic Midyat mansion. Inside, there are many local artifacts ...

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State Guest of the Midyat
State Guest of the Midyat

The three-story Midyat Guest House was purchased by Midyat Kaymakamlık and converted into a guest house. The lowest floor consists ...

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Midyat, the beautiful sister of Mardin...

With its houses made of yellow limestone, Midyat is a replica of Old Mardin. Located in the region called Turabdin Plateau, Midyat has been home to different civilizations for centuries. There are many Syrian villages in the area. Turabdin mana means "servants of God". The location of Mor Gabriel, the oldest Syrian monastery in the world, in Midyat, emphasizes the importance of the region.