The Rock of the Bride
The Rock of the Bride
The Rock of the Bride
The Rock of the Bride, Let him in. A legendary rock with an unusual appearance on a steep slope in the village of Mesudiye. According to legend, once upon a time, a bride went to graze cows on the slopes of the Mistletoe. Among his cows was a stubborn, commanding cow known as the Yellow Cow. The yellow one broke away from the other cows between the eyebrows and disappeared deep into the forest. Noticing the cow's absence, the bride wandered around in the fog and stopped, we didn't look, we didn't leave any room, but in vain. Not only did he not find the cow, but as evening approached, a fear seized his heart. He was afraid of the mother-in-law if he was going home, the wolf if he was going to stay in the mountains, the bird. When darkness fell and the dreadful silence of the night collapsed, the bride turned to the altar and begged:
He said, "Oh, my God, I'm either a bird or a stone or an ice cream!" The bride's prayer was answered and she was left there as a stone.
Places to visit in Giresun What's between The Rock of the Bride
The Bride's Rock, with its legendary story, is among the places to visit in Giresun. Let's go on a field trip. It's a tourist attraction.