The tomb of Father Somuncu

Somuncu Baba Mausoleum is located in Malatya, Zaviye Mahalle, Darende County. This tomb is located along with the Fish Lake. Although there is no exact information about the date of construction of the tomb, the minaret of the mosque dates back to 1686. Inside the mosque there is a mausoleum ...

The tomb of Father Somuncu

Somuncu Baba Mausoleum is located in Malatya, Zaviye Mahalle, Darende County. This tomb is located along with the Fish Lake. Although there is no exact information about the date of construction of the tomb, the minaret of the mosque dates back to 1686. Inside the mosque there is a mausoleum section and inside this mausoleum there is a chest made of woodwork from the Republican period. Previously, there was a mosque belonging to Sheikh Hamit-i Veli Zaviye on the site of the mausoleum, but this mosque was demolished and replaced by a mosque built with today's stone and wood materials. On the south side of the mosque is a rectangular room that is now used as a library. Inside the mausoleum are tombs with stone architecture. In addition, the Somuncu Baba Museum in the basement of the mosque welcomes visitors. Where is the Tomb of the Unknown Father? How to get to the Tomb of the Unknown Father and his ashes in Malatya? What is the story of the Tomb of the Unknown Father?

The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, It is located in Zaviye Mahallesi, Darende County. This tomb. The Fish Lake It's with him. Although there is no exact information about the date of construction of the tomb, the minaret of the mosque dates back to 1686. Inside the mosque there is a mausoleum section and inside this mausoleum there is a chest made of woodwork from the Republican period. Previously, there was a mosque belonging to Sheikh Hamit-i Veli Zaviye on the site of the mausoleum, but this mosque was demolished and replaced by a mosque built with today's stone and wood materials. On the south side of the mosque is a rectangular room that is now used as a library. Inside the mausoleum are tombs with stone architecture. In addition, the Somuncu Baba Museum in the basement of the mosque welcomes visitors.

The video was shot by Bosnian photographer and director Sulejman Muratovic, supported by photographs by the famous photographer Cemil Šahin, nicknamed the "Master of Cubas". The introductory film of the Somuncu Baba Bully You can find information about the life of His Holiness Father Somuncu as well as about the Tomb and Tomb of Father Somuncu.

Where's the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier?

The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, It is located in Darende County, Malatya Province, Turkey. Located in the Hıdırlık Zaviye neighborhood, this shrine was built right near the Tohma River. At the same time, the mausoleum is located in the immediate vicinity of Sheikh Hamid-i Veli Zaviyesi.

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How to Get to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

How to get to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Somuncu Baba Mausoleum is located at a distance of 3 km from Darende Center. It is located 109 km from the center of Malatya. It is located 36 km from Gurun district of Sivas and 143 km from the center of Sivas. It is located 61 km from Elbistan district of Kahramanmaraş and 203 km from the center of Kahramanmaraş. It is 228 km from the center of Kayseri.

  • The public transport:
    The plane;
    Somuncu Baba Tomb is located at a distance of 90 km from Malatya Erhaç Airport. You can rent a car at Malatya Airport by following the Kayseri-Malatya D300 highway to Darende Somuncu Baba Külliyesi.
    From Malatya Airport you can go to Malatya Central by Air-Airbus services, you can get off at Malatya Masti and come to Darende by intercity bus companies.
    The buses;
    You can reach Darende by taking a one-and-a-half-hour journey with minibuses that run between Malatya and Darende, with services that you will take in front of Masti.
    Transportation can be provided by bus companies using the Kayseri-Malatya D300 highway.
    You can get from Darende to Somuncu Baba Mausoleum by minibus from the county center. There are regular minibus services to Külliye, which is 3 km away from the district center.
  • The taxi:
    You can take a taxi from the center of the market to the tomb of Somuncu Baba in Darende. You can reach the county seat, which is 3 km away, in about 5 minutes.
  • Special vehicle:
    You can travel by private car using the Kayseri-Malatya D300 highway. On the Kayseri-Malatya highway, after the districts of Pınarbaşı-Gürün comes the district of Darende.
    If you want to come from Malatya, Malatya, after the Akçadağ road junction, you come to Darende.

The story of the Somuncu Baba Mausoleum

The story of the Somuncu Baba Mausoleum It's based on the story of a dervish in his own right, whose real name is Hamid Veli. His birthplace is Akçakaya Province of Kayseri. According to some sources, it is claimed that Somuncu Baba is of Khorasan origin. It is known that Somuncu Baba received his first education from his father, Musa Efendi. Later, he went to Damascus and continued his education at the Bayezidiyya Dergah. After his education in Damascus, he continued his education as a student of Sheikh Haji Alaeddin Erdebili, who lived in the town of Hoy near Tabriz. He then settled in Bursa, taking on the mission of enlightening the people.

There's one near the laundromat in Bursa. The oven. It's a way for Father Somuncu to become a well-known and well-loved figure in the region. By the people because of the abundance of bread he produced in the bakery he opened. "Left father" He gets his name. He then stayed for a while in Damascus, where he was trained, and then settled in Darende. Father Somuncu spent the last years of his life in Darende and left us in 1412. Somuncu Baba is buried in the tomb next to Zaviye in the Somuncu Baba Mosque in Darende. In addition to Somuncu Baba, the tombs of Sheikh Hamid-i Veli and his son Khalil Tayyibi are also located in the mausoleum. On top of these tombs there are also domes and coffins made of walnut wood. Just in front of the Somuncu Baba Mausoleum, there are also graves belonging to the followers of Sheikh Hamid-i Veli.

Architectural features of the tomb of Somuncu Baba

Architectural features of the Somuncu Baba Mausoleum can be grouped as follows:

  • The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, It is a 14th-century historical structure that houses the tomb of Sheikh Hamid-i Veli Somuncu Baba, one of the spiritual architects of the Ottoman Empire. It's a century-old historic building.
  • The shrine and its surroundings After the death of Osman Hulusi Efendi, who served as an imam-khatib for many years, it was expanded and turned into a Kully with the restoration works started in the 1990s.
  • Somuncu Baba Külliyesi includes the following sections:
    - I know. The tomb section
    - I know. The Preparation Section
    - I know. Additional Mosque and New Mosque Sections
    - I know. The museum.
    - I know. The library .
    - I know. The Fish Pool
    - I know. The courtyard.
  • The roof of the mausoleum section is covered with a seven-sided pyramid roof and is equipped with two tiled windows, one on the east and one on the west.
  • The number "7" has a special significance here. The reasons for this include the fact that the Surah Fatiha consists of 7 verses and that the Somuncu Fathers explained the Surah Fatiha with seven different spiritual interpretations.
  • The natural spring water that flows from the back of the shrine is transferred through a channel carved into the rock inside to the 7 natural shrines on the right side of the entrance to the gate.
  • The interior displays the plaques of Cehar-i Yâri Güziyn and the decrees sent by the Ottoman Kings.
  • Additional Mosque and New Mosque Sections:
  • - I know. The Additional Mosque Section was built in 2002 to the right of the main space and has a 13x13 square plan. Special attention has been paid to the roof workmanship.
    - I know. The refreshment of the interior is arranged in accordance with the historical texture and the walls are hung with the decrees of the Ottoman Padishah. Prayers are said in this section during the winter months.
    - I know. The new Mosque Department was started in 2009 and opened in 2013. This mosque was built with Seljuk-Ottoman architectural features and Mardin Midyat Stone was used.
    - I know. The ceiling of the new mosque is designed using Sapella wood and is decorated with 5 8-pointed stars with Islamic meanings in each corner. With a total of 40 corners, these stars grow outward from the center of the ceiling.
  • Courtyard and Pool:
  • - I know. Bursa Kemalpaşa White Marble was used to cover the floor of the courtyard, which is reminiscent of the open space of the Kaaba-i Şerif.
    - I know. The Fish Pool, located in front of the Shrine section of the Somuncu Baba Shrine, adds a separate visuality to the spiritual atmosphere of this sacred place.

Places to visit around the Somuncu Baba Mausoleum

Places to visit around Somuncu Baba Mausoleum They may be:

  • His Highness Sheikh Said-i Nursi Mosque: Located next to the Tomb of the Unknown Father, this mosque has a historical texture and offers visitors the opportunity to worship and pray.
  • The Stone Bridge at Darende: This historic stone bridge in the district belongs to the Ottoman period and is an architecturally impressive structure. You can walk to explore this bridge by the river.
  • The Darende City Forest: The Darende City Forest, one of the natural beauties of the county, is an ideal place for picnicking and nature walks. It's a place where you can spend family time.
  • The Lake of the Sky: Gökpınar Lake, which is close to Darende district, is famous for its natural beauty. You can bird-watch here, enjoy nature.
  • The Houses of Darende: The traditional stone houses in Darende County reflect the historical and cultural characteristics of the region. By visiting these houses, you can observe the architectural heritage of the region up close.
  • The waterfall of Gurpınar: Gurpınar Waterfall, which is close to Darende district, is a pleasant stopover on hot days with its natural beauty and cool waters.
  • The market in Darende: Darende's historic markets are famous for their shops selling traditional handicrafts, local foods, and souvenirs. You can shop here and try the local delicacies.

You can learn more about the natural beauty and cultural heritage of Darende by visiting these places around the Somuncu Baba Shrine.

Somuncu Baba Mausoleum is located in Zaviye Mahalle of Darende County. The shrine is located next to the Somuncu Baba Mosque and the Fish Lake. It is known that the minaret of the mosque is dated 1686. Although there is no exact information about the date of construction of the tomb, it is believed to have been built together with the mosque.

Somuncu Baba, originally known as Sheikh Hamiddin Aksarayi. Although there are indications that his real name is Abdullah, he is thought to be of Kayseri origin. Somuncu Baba returned to Anatolia and settled in Bursa after studying at Erdebil Tekkesi. He made a living by distributing bread and carrying firewood to the public in Bursa. For this reason, he was referred to as "Soms, Believers!" and received the nickname "Father of the Left".

Somuncu Baba was one of the disciples of Hacı Bayrâm-ı Velî and played an important role in spreading his teachings to Anatolia. He settled in Ankara and died here.

Inside the tomb are the tombs of Sheikh Hamid-i Veli and his son Khalil Taybî. The dome of the tomb is covered with a seven-sided pyramid roof. Inside the tomb there are tombs with stone architecture.

In the Hazire section behind the shrine, there are the graves of the Sadat-ı Kirim, a descendant of Somuncu Baba.

Another part of the Somuncu Baba Gallery is the Sheikh Hamid-i Veli Library. There are mostly historical manuscripts here.

In addition, the Somuncu Baba and Hulusi Efendi Museum is located in the ashes. Here, the culture, traditions and customs of Darende, the services of the Foundation are visually conveyed.

The Crown Gate, the courtyard, the fish pond and the Hamidiye Bazaar are also of particular importance to visitors.

As a result, the Somuncu Baba Shrine and Kullyia has become a religious and cultural center that attracts visitors with its spiritual and historical importance.

Zaviye, Hulusi Efendi Cd. No:55, 44700 Darende/Malatya, Türkiye


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The tomb of Father Somuncu

The tomb of Father Somuncu

Somuncu Baba Mausoleum is located in Malatya, Zaviye Mahalle, Darende County. This tomb is located along with the ...