This is Reyhan.

The baths of Reyhanli Hamam
The baths of Reyhanli Hamam

Reyhanli Hamamat Spa, which has managed to survive for centuries, is located in the Amik Plain, near the Kumlu district ...

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The new city lake
The new city lake

The Yenişehir River Bridge, located on the border with Syria in the south of Reyhanlı district, has the appearance of ...

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It 's Imma
It 's Imma

There is an ancient settlement near Reyhanlı on the Antakya-Cilvegözü road, which is now used as a picnic spot. ...

devamını oku

It is located in the east of Reyhanli Hatay, 37 km from the provincial capital. Reyhanlı also means the resting place of Irtah in earlier dates. It was a small town called Irtah, commonly known as the home of several Arab tribes. Since the 16th century, Turks (Turkmen tribes) from the Rey region have settled in this town. Since the 20th century, Turks (Turkmen tribes) have settled in this town as nomads from the Rey region. In 1855, Caucasian and Cypriot immigrants were brought from Romania and settled in the town. The town, later named Reyhanli, was captured by the French in 1918 and administered with the status of a bucak. It became a district in 1939, the year it was liberated from French occupation on July 8, 1938 and joined the territory of the Republic of Turkey.

The food culture is very rich. The new city lake is one of the natural beauties that must be seen.