2 Daily exchange rate
2 Daily exchange rate
If you do not prefer Bursa as a day trip, you can visit the sights of the center of Bursa in the first Bursa tour guide. But if you have 2 days for Bursa, you can also visit İznik, which is among the places to visit near Bursa. Many of the tourist attractions in İznik, one of the places to visit around Bursa, will take you back in time. This route, which also contains some of Bursa's famous hiking trails, can be added to the Bursa sightseeing map alongside the sights in the center. These places can also be visited by joining a tour of Bursa and getting detailed information with the help of a guide.
If you do not prefer Bursa as a day trip, you can visit the sights of the center of Bursa in the first Bursa tour guide. But if you have 2 days for Bursa, you can also visit İznik, which is among the places to visit near Bursa. Many of the tourist attractions in İznik, one of the places to visit around Bursa, will take you back in time. This route, which also contains some of Bursa's famous sights, can be added to the Bursa sightseeing map alongside the sights in the center. These places can also be visited by joining a tour of Bursa and getting detailed information with the help of a guide.