Ethnographic museum of the Kocagöz Manor

Built in 1932 by the Kocagöz family, the mansion today serves as the Museum of Ethnography and the Regional Handicrafts Operating Center.

Ethnographic museum of the Kocagöz Manor

Built in 1932 by the Kocagöz family, the mansion today serves as the Museum of Ethnography and the Regional Handicrafts Operating Center.

Built in 1932 by the Kocagöz family, the mansion today serves as the Museum of Ethnography and the Regional Handicrafts Operating Center.

Kaldırım, Hürriyet Cd. No:5, 74600 Ulus/Bartın, Türkiye


Google Yorumlarda 159 yorumun ortalaması 4.4
GeziYorum YazıYorum
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