Salted tea and the master miller
Located on the Altınoluk-Çanakkale road, Mıhlı Çayı is located at a distance of 25 km from Akçay. You enter the area, which is surrounded by a forested creek, next to the Selton Facilities, and after driving five kilometers, you gain access. When you get here, you're greeted by a magnificent ...
Salted tea and the master miller
Mihli Çayı, located in Küçükkuyu, in the Ayvacık district of Çanakkale, is one of the most beautiful places. Located on the Altınoluk-Çanakkale road, Mıhlı Çayı is located at a distance of 25 km from Akçay. You enter the area, which is surrounded by a forested creek, next to the Selton Facilities, and after driving five kilometers, you gain access. When you get here, you're greeted by a magnificent view. There's an emerald-green pool that you can swim in, and there's a waterfall that flows into this lake.